Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A White Man's View

That would be MY VIEW towards this RUBBISH!

To explain a bit, what you have around here (Massachusetts) are a bunch of Democratic lemmings (I also was one once). They don't even think about it, it is so rote.

Problem is, the local Repubs are just a McCain support group. I've been to some of the meetings, and you talk spending and they are all right -- until you mention the war machine. Then its the same old excuses, and I got tired of that.

So, let me give you my take (and debunk) some of the garbage in the Globe, 'kay?

"Obama's problem with white, male voters" by David Paul Kuhn | August 13, 2008

David Paul Kuhn, a senior political writer with, is author of "The Neglected Voter: White Men and the Democratic Dilemma."

THE MOST remarkable fact of the 2008 presidential election is that it remains a close race. Democrats have not known such favorable political terrain since 1932, yet what should be a blowout is looking like a blanket finish.

That's because the polls are rigged, ding-dong! I already covered that below!

The fundamental reason is white men..... White men make up the largest portion of independents. More than one in three voters who will choose the next president remains white and male. And McCain's support is soft with these men, compared to George W. Bush's bids.

Yet for too long, some progressives have viewed seeking these men as antithetical to liberalism. Rebutting that intellectual vice would truly change Democratic politics. It would also expand the electoral map. Therefore, whether he knows it or not, Obama has tied the audacity of his promise to the white men his party has lost.


Yeah, except HE HASN'T LOST THEM!!

I'm ONE of THEM!!!

I'm vacillating between casting the vote for Obama (even though I recognize the no-change change scam), Bob Barr, or NOT VOTING!

However, I would like to inform the powers that be that WE AIN'T RACISTS!!!

A lot of WHITE MEN I KNOW are voting Obama because they are SICK of the CLINTON/BUSH CRIME FAMILIES and they don't want BUSH III!!!!

And yet, this PILE of CRAP gets placed RIGHT in the middle of the ops section for Amurkn consumption!!!

Hey, what is ONE MORE LIE in the service of AGENDA-PUSHING POWER?