Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pregnancy Pact Principal Gives Birth

I'm beginning to believe this was a scam to get the pro-birth control, population people into the predominately Catholic town.

heavily Roman Catholic town, with a large Italian and Portuguese population, has long been supportive of teen mothers. The high school has a day care center for students and employees."

It is the DESTRUCTION of VALUES and the HATRED of LIFE that is the goal this particular agenda push.

Type Gloucester into my blog search and see what you get.

"Principal put into spotlight resigns; Faulted for citing 'pregnancy pact'" by Kathy McCabe, Globe Staff | August 13, 2008

Gloucester High School principal Joseph Sullivan, who drew worldwide media attention to his community when he told a reporter in June that a number of teenagers in his school had a pact to get pregnant, abruptly resigned yesterday.

Seventeen girls at the high school, about four times the average annual figure, became pregnant during the past school year. In an article published in Time magazine in June, it was reported that Sullivan described a pact between girls who planned to get pregnant and raise their babies together.



"Time, which reported the pact in its June 18 edition, acknowledged that it had not interviewed any of the girls involved."

And what is with the shitty background report, BG?


Of course, the media ain't a problem when $$$$ is at stake, right, town fathers?

"BBC invades Gloucester

What's going on in Gloucester? It wasn't so long ago that Mayor Carolyn Kirk and Christopher Farmer, superintendent of schools, stiff-armed the media who tried to report on the alleged pregnancy pact among 17 Gloucester girls. Not anymore. School officials this week let a BBC film crew wander the halls of Gloucester High shooting footage for a documentary on the pregnancy problem and the media melee that followed. In addition, three of the pregnant teens appeared on an episode of NBC's "The Baby Borrowers" to deny the existence of a pact. Last week, Kirk relented on a proposal to ban the media from city-sponsored meetings addressing the surge in teen pregnancies (Boston Globe)."