Monday, August 25, 2008

Pay-to-Play Sports

Trillions for wars, billions for banks and Israel, and I get tired of typing it.

Glad I'm a broken-down old fart and not a kid. Never thought I'd feel that way, but I do -- especially after reading this

"Paying to play; Cash-strapped schools are passing on rising costs to students, in fees for everything from athletics to afterschool clubs to parking" by Rich Fahey, Globe Correspondent | August 24, 2008

Private fund-raising has become vital to keeping many school sport programs afloat.


Now I know education is more important, and I often rail against the sports, but THAT IS PRO ($$$) BALL!!!

The fact is, one of my FAVORITE THINGS on this planet is to attend the HIGH-SCHOOL BASKETBALL TOURNAMENTS!!!

Also see: Why Newspapers Suck

Anyhow, if the teams and players are wrecked because we DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH $$$ after the LOOTING in this state and this nation, yeah, I AM GONNA BE PISSED!!!!!!!