So, "NON-VIOLENT HUMANITARIANS" are now "terrorists" to my piece of shit, local Zionist War Daily, huh?
I'm sending the AmeriKan MSM closed-case to the bottom of the Mediterranean with a concrete tomb, folks!!! This is the FINAL OUTRAGE!!!
"Boats with pro-Palestinian activists reach Gaza" by Ibrahim Barzak, Associated Press Writer | August 23, 2008

Activist toss roses into the sea as part of a memorial service in memory of 14 Palestinian fishermen killed since the Israel seige of Gaza and 34 U.S sailors killed by Israel fire during an attack against the USS liberty 41 years ago in the Cypriot port of Larnaca on Thursday, Aug. 21, 2008.About 40 activists from 16 countries will set sail aboard the boats from the Mediterranean island for the estimated 30-hour trip to the Palestinian territory. They say they will "non-violently" resist any attempts by Israeli authorities to arrest them. (AP Photo/Philippos Christou)
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip --Two boats carrying dozens of international activists sailed into the Gaza Strip Saturday in defiance of an Israeli blockade, receiving a jubilant welcome from thousands of Palestinians.
The boats docked in Gaza City's tiny port after a two-day journey marred by communications troubles and rough seas. As they arrived, children swarmed around and leaped into the water in joy, while thousands of cheering residents looked on from the shore.
On one of the boats, "End Occupation" was written in large letters and Palestinian flags snapped in the wind. The activists waved to the crowd.
Tom Nelson, a 64-year-old lawyer from Zigzag, Ore. "But the Gaza people are amazing," he added. He said he hoped the group's arrival would draw attention in the West to the difficult conditions caused by the blockade in Gaza.
When the two boats were first spotted off the Gaza coast, five Palestinian boats rushed out to sea to greet them, while dozens of smaller crafts waited closer to shore.
A boy scout band sat in one boat banging drums and blowing horns, while another carried Gazan activists waving Palestinian flags. "They are very brave, they are very strong, I am proud of them," said Samira Ayash, a 65-year-old retired school teacher who came to watch.
Me, too,
The 70-foot Free Gaza and 60-foot Liberty left Cyprus early Friday for the journey. The 46 activists from 14 countries include an 81-year-old Catholic nun and Lauren Booth, the sister-in-law of international Mideast envoy and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
You know, "TERRORISTS!"
"In this media war, it was impossible for them (Israel) to win because they have no case for what they are doing to your port and to your borders," Booth said.
Why was this paragraph cut from my Globe web piece?
I'm looking right at it:
Activists said their mission was to draw attention to humanitarian conditions in the territory. "There is this slow genocide going on in Gaza and nobody is taking any notice," said Yvonne Ridley, a British journalist and author.
Well, someone at the Globe's editorial desk noticed enough to remove it, huh?
I can see why they wouldn't want to hear from Yvonne.
Back to your regularly scheduled propaganda.
The activists were the first foreigners to break the blockade. Organizers said they would stay in Gaza for 24 hours, though it remained unclear how they planned to leave. Israel controls all movement in and out of Gaza.
Gaza's Hamas Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyeh welcomed the activists. "We call for more activities to break the unfair siege imposed on our people," Haniyeh said.
Mekel, the Israeli spokesman, said Israel's decision did not mean that future deliveries would necessarily be permitted. "This decision was about these boats. We will see what happens with any future boats," he said.
Translation: if the world isn't watching, Israel will sink the next one!