There are times when even the anger and rage fail me, and my absolute DISDAIN and DISGUST takes over for a MSM War Daily that LIED US INTO OCCUPATIONS and MASS-MURDER and CONTINUES to LIE and PUSH that ABOMINABLE AGENDA TODAY!!!!
That's all I have to say. See for yourself!
"Tinfoiled again: Epic squirt-gun battle proves fierce fun" by Gabrielle T. Dunn and Ryan Kost, Globe Correspondents | August 17, 2008
.... Amid cries of "Let's go to war!" and "Follow the general!" the "British" army began to march. They held their guns cocked. A flute and drum set the beat and led them to the battlefield.
Gerard Deplessis, 11, marched to war with a brand new squirt gun from
.... On the sideline, Dave Kinahan and his son, Luke, 3, Brits in matching hats, reloaded their Hydro Blitz water cannon.
"His godfather got him the gun as a gift but he's not strong enough to hold it on his own yet," said Kinahan, of West Roxbury, who had scrawled in marker on the back of his red T-shirt "Monarchy Rules, Colonists Drool." Kinahan bent down to ask Luke if he was ready to get back in the battle.
Luke grabbed a corner of the gun. "Let's go shoot people," he said.He's THREE-YEARS-OLD!!!!
And then the SHIT SOCIETY is going to COMPLAIN ABOUT VIOLENCE about the VIOLENCE TENDENCIES in about TEN YEARS, right?
Nothing better for CONDITIONING the KIDS for an ALL-OUT DRAFT and WORLD WAR III, huh?
You know, how about sending these fascist assholes if they think "playing" war is so fun and LEAVING OUR KIDS OUT!!!!

Yup, gonna WORSHIP WAR and do a "reenactment!"
Oh, yeah, never mind the 80% of the public that is opposed to this bullcrap now!
The Globe's OMISSION and DERISION of that particular strain of American public opinion says it all about the war-promoting, war-pushing AmeriKan War Daily.
And WHAT of the MILLIONS DEAD because of BUSH'S WARS, America?
Do you think this has been "FUN" for THEM?