Now, I'm not for any person (young or old) getting gunned down; however, the RANK HYPOCRISY when we will SEND THEM OFF to WARS and OCCUPATIONS based on DAMNABLE LIES!!!!!
"Camp teaches peaceful solutions; Reaches out to at-risk children" by Brian R. Ballou, Globe Staff | August 16, 2008
Yesterday, inside the school's gymnasium, the message was peace. About 100 at-risk youths, many from that Dorchester neighborhood, tossed basketballs, chatted, and listened to Mayor Thomas M. Menino talk about the importance of going to school and choosing peaceful solutions over violence.
Tell it to the WAR-MONGERING FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, mayor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matt Wolf, the son of US District Court Judge Mark Wolf, created a summer camp for children in Lowell in 1998, and early last year presented a proposal to Boston Police Commissioner Edward F. Davis to conduct a similar camp in Boston. Davis, former Lowell police chief, embraced the idea and brought together Boston officials to help make the camp a reality.
Why doesn't he TELL THAT TO HIS OFFICERS, then?!
Please see: Remembering David Woodman
With funding from the Red Auerbach Youth Foundation, Wolf and other organizers started the summer camp last year with about $60,000 from the foundation. This year, the foundation, which is funded by local businesses and former associates of the legendary Celtics basketball coach, provided $75,000.
Yeah, great; the over-priced sports sinkholes kicked back a little.
Whoo-pee fucking doo!
"It's really rewarding to see all the smiles on these kids faces because many of them have been through a lot and have seen a lot," Wolf said yesterday. Children ages 8 to 14 participated in the camp, and many of them were well aware of the violence that plagues their community and had dealt with the loss of loved ones because of it.
Wolf said the speakers "encouraged the kids to live healthy lives and informed them about the consequences of what happens when violence occurs."
This gets to the point of DISGUST, readers, when you consider this report is from a LYING WAR DAILY that is PUSHING FURTHER CONFLICTS with Russia and Iran!!
You know what "consequences" of VIOLENCE, are?
You know, the kind the GOVERNMENT WON'T ALLOW US to SEE!!!!
And let me post this as an epilogue to DEBUNK and DISMISS ANY CHARGES of RACISM on this blog!
![Tamayah White, 9, jumped rope yesterday during the Red Auerbach Future Stars Sports and Leadership Program at John Marshall Elementary School. ''Here [at the camp] they teach you about not doing bad things and to stay in school,'' said White. Tamayah White, 9, jumped rope yesterday during the Red Auerbach Future Stars Sports and Leadership Program at John Marshall Elementary School. ''Here [at the camp] they teach you about not doing bad things and to stay in school,'' said White.](
Tamayah White, 9, jumped rope yesterday during the Red Auerbach Future Stars Sports and Leadership Program at John Marshall Elementary School. ''Here [at the camp] they teach you about not doing bad things and to stay in school,'' said White. (David L. Ryan/Globe Staff)
Also see: Children Being Left Behind
I'll say it for the last time: This blog is PRO-PEACE and PRO-LIFE, period!!!!! I guess that's why they took down my favorite photo.
But we have TRILLIONS for WARS and WAR PROFITEERS and BILLIONS for BANKS, etc, etc, etc!!!