Saturday, August 16, 2008

Protecting Plastic Poisoners

At this point, why should we believe anything the FDA says?

"FDA says chemical found in plastic bottles is safe" by Matthew Perrone, Associated Press | August 16, 2008

WASHINGTON - The agency acknowledged that more research is needed.

Environmental groups were quick to criticize the agency's conclusions, which they said relied on industry-funded studies.

Well, they are business agents for corporations.

What did you think, they were looking after our health?

About 93 percent of Americans have traces of bisphenol in their urine, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

First of all, how would they know that? They piss testing the whole country?

Some program we don't know about?

And IF TRUE, then WTF is the FDA doing saying "no problem?


Looks like there is only one thing left to do, readers: STOP DRINKING WATER!!

It's got prescription drugs in it when it is coming out the tap, and if you get the bottled stuff you are poisoning yourself.

Good thing humans don't need that to survive, huh?