Saturday, August 16, 2008

NYC's Superheroes

Just shows that we are not as divided as some in the agenda-pushing, divide-and-control AmeriKan MSM implicate.

"Dozens lift 5-ton bus off woman in NYC; She is killed; her baby is delivered" by Verena Dobnik, Associated Press | August 16, 2008

NEW YORK - Dozens of strangers converged from all directions to lift a 5-ton bus off the body of a pregnant woman, a superhuman effort that managed to save the life of her child, but was too late for her.

Seven months pregnant, Donnette Sanz was crossing one of the busiest intersections in the Bronx on her lunch break Thursday when she was struck by a van whose brakes failed. The impact sent the 33-year-old NYPD traffic agent flying into the path of a yellow school bus and pinned her underneath.

About 30 people helped lift the bus, and Sanz was rushed to a hospital, where doctors delivered her boy by Caesarean section. The 3-pound, 6-ounce infant, named Sean Michael, was in critical condition yesterday but showing signs of improvement....


A heartbreaking and heartwarming story at the same time.

Of course, it is what ANY COMMUNITY WOULD HAVE DONE !!