Friday, August 8, 2008

Peering Into the Future

It may be long, but it is a great read!

Probably not that far away, either!!!

"My prediction on the consequences after the attack on Iran

The post written by me is ungodly long (edit: very pessimistic). If you'd rather read it in an easily digestible format, go to my Blogger page.


"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country... A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

Woodrow Wilson

In reference to the passage of 1913 Federal Reserve Act which he signed in return of favor to the Central Bankers who contributed substantially to his presidential campaign.

Future Scenarios after the Illegal and Immoral Attack on Islamic Republic of Iran and subsequently Iran's interventioning ally Russia.

Either U.S. do it first to "protect Israel" and force the artificial upholding of Petrodollar Hegemony in international trade after Iran eliminates "paper tiger" US Dollar in favor of Euro currency or Israel Air Force attack the targeted military bases and developed nuclear reactors (of which Iran is legally bound by signature and ratification with Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty for peaceful use in generating electricity (2-3% enrichment needed to produce electrical energy, while 90% enrichment is required to create powerful weapon-grade warhead) to which U.S. is Constitutionally bound while Israel refuses to sign, preferring secrecy and ambiguity) first to provoke Iran's fury and count on U.S. to back Israel as it defends and counterattacks that will inevitably culminate in "The Point of No Return" in the fury of regional and international strife.


1. Iran, Russia and China (the latter two co-founding members of Shanghai Cooperation Organization that will intervene to defend crucial resources and eliminate Western threats as the counter to NATO and U.S. Imperialism) will formally declare total war on State of Israel, United States, United Kingdom and France (Nicolas Sarkozy) and possibly Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Australia, Japan and other developed/developing nations that choose to side with the Imperial West compromising U.S., U.K. and Israel (the modern equivalent of Axis). Syria and Iraq, the latter currently (mostly) a Shiite state with factions of Sunni and Kurdish, may join Iranian Forces to turn on American-British occupiers to engage in air, sea and ground combat resulting in retaliatory counterstrike by air to ground bombardment, ground to air missile volley and infantry, massacres, etc. Iraqi civilians will turn on American-British occupiers for imprisonment and destruction including contracting & service employees such as government diplomats, Halliburton, Blackwater, DynCorp and make-shift food/drink joints i.e. McDonald's, Burger King and Starbucks.

2. Oil price per barrel goes up through the roof to $200-300 range, possibly more if it severely affects to the exhaustibly approached degree the law of supply and demand after Iran defeats enough American force to forcibly shut down Strait of Hormuz. The world, so dependent on oil to run the global economy, will grind to a halt -- unprecedented in human history -- within a week. Overnight or two days is doable, once reserve reaches depletion in haste. See fifth point for more detail.

3. U.S. Dollar finally tanks so execrably America will face hyperinflation, similar to 1923 Germany. "It's economics, stupid."

4. The Federal Reserve will no longer have the "power" to sustain the tanking American economy, so America, with nearly $10 trillion in "officially reported" national debt and $53+ trillion dollars in unfunded or hidden liabilities (derivatives, etc), will go totally bankrupt. In retaliation over Middle East regional strife instigated by Israel and U.S., China will liquidate its trillion-dollar USD reserve and cease financing America (2-3 billion dollars daily) to keep the governmental operation "afloat", immediately pummeling the vulnerable U.S. Dollar to get nailed in the coffin.

Wall Street goes ballistic when Dow freefalls to the bottom that could lead to the Second Great Depression, causing national panic and induce instant bankruptcies of banks and businesses. It is not known how closely tied the other markets (Japan, Hong Kong, France, Frankfurt, etc) are to the deathly weak U.S. Dollar and whether the collapse of U.S. Dollar will cause other markets to nosedive at the same time. This is not the first time the international stock market crash occurred, take 1997 Asian financial crisis for example, which was indeed controlled by Western financial vultures (International Monetary Fund, etc behind the scene) as explained in Chalmers Johnson's Blowback.

It is entirely possible the Elite -- with traitorous Jews included as the conspirators with their financial manipulation knowledge -- are deliberatingly debasing the Dollar but for what reason? Besides pure greed by insider trading for superior enrichment. Possible answer in number 8.

5. American government will spiral out of control after total economic collapse. Governmental services will be spotty or cease to exist, such as Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Transportation Security Administration, Food & Drug Administration, FCC, U.S. Small Business Administration, Law Enforcement Agencies and Departments (DEA, maybe FBI, maybe CIA, maybe BATFE, U.S. Treasury, various Departments in the U.S. Government sectors [maybe State, Interior, Education, Energy], et cetera). Chaos will prevail in local and state governments as well, with numerous services such as wildlife administration suspended. The unemployed people dependent on public assistance and welfare handouts will rise to violence in desperate survival. The poor, including cash-strapped college students dependent on rental, reasonably cheap food and public transportation, will rise up in riots over soaring costs of food, drinkable liquid and even real estate & personal effects associated with break-the-roof surging oil prices. The middle class will be destroyed to sudden impoverishment. Only the wealthy can afford, at least for a while -- provided they have the best security personnel and firearms available for maximum protection from trespassers, looters, rioters and power-tripping governmental thugs intent to attack the properties and loved ones.

6. Pertaining to the nature of post-economic collapse that renders Government paralyzed and near inoperable, crime will go through the roof with mass-scale riots, looting and horrific acts of home invasions, assault, kidnapping, torture, murder and rape. Ownership of guns and ammunition will be CRUCIAL to defense of self and family & friends and hunting for subsistence and raw survival.

7. Martial law will be declared nation-wide (see National Security Directive 51/Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20 and Military Commissions Act of 2006 [1]) and may include Canada and maybe Mexico if the economic outcome of U.S. Dollar become a bleak reality. Possible all three nations could become a new union as North American Union [1] as the new monetary policy takes effect to issue Amero currency in order to stabilize the economy raised from the ruins.

8. The new Amero-based economy may rise, and subordinance will be mandatory, with resistance and sedition subject to severe penalty up to and including long-term imprisonment without due process (Habeas Corpus since the inception of Magna Carta in the 13th century completely eviscerated) and execution with appeal no longer an option.

9. The subdued populations will be subject to involuntary slavery and will be forced to receive human RFID chipping as a mandate that supersede previously existing municipal and state laws that ban RFID chipping.

10. The Bill of Rights, and the U.S. Constitution as a whole, will be rendered invalid and destined for complete evisceration, including 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 22nd Amendments (22nd limits presidential terms to two). The Declaration of Independence will be viewed as quaint and alien to the new ruling Establishment, be it plutocratic-oligarch dictatorship in collaboration with the Military given power to issue directives and impose tyrannical rule of law in North America. Canada may join in the security agreement ostensibly to suppress insurrections and control chaos, not unlike NORAD.

11. United States of America may remain in name only. The ages-old name of the Constitutional Republic may be dissolved to form the new totalitarian state under another proposed name, not unlike George Orwell's prophetic novel 1984.

12. The West, as the new Axis, will contrive by irrational, ultranationalistic-induced megalomaniacal decisions to deploy nuclear weapons to subdue by terror and destroy by empowerment the defending and intervening nations that deserve the right to retaliate according to the just rules of war. Neither side will emerge a victor due to the greater destructive possibilities of nuclear warfare and its aftermath that may mean hundreds of millions of innocent people will perish in parts of the world, primarily the Middle East-Central Asia and Eastern and Western regions of the U.S.

13. The nuclear warfare will expand around the world if Pakistan dares to attack India or vice versa, China invades "defenseless" U.S./EU-backed Japan over trade/diplomatic disputes or revenge for humiliation 70 decades prior (WWII-era Japanese atrocities, like 1938 Rape of Nanking), etc. If the U.S. or Israel dare to attack Medina and Mecca by invasion or using conventional bombardment or nuking, a billion Moslems will rise up to form the greatest collective force in humankind history. Israel will be unable to resist the onslaught. U.S., U.K., France and other "infidel" European nations (the latter's neutrality may be disregarded) will share this fate.

14. World War III commences from the beginning and will be the most destructive episode of current human civilization. Famine-caused human-on-human violence in wide-scale riots will incur across the world on fire. Water and food seeds will be considered more precious than metals. Desirable craft skills such as carpentry, ceramics and agriculture will be highly sought after for learning and to rebuild the ravaged areas once peace is restored.

15. Human survival will be questionable due to global famine -- food reserves thoroughly depleted due to billion tons of additional greenhouse gases (soot, ash, methane, sulfur, carbon dioxide and numerous pollutants) and severe radiation that damage and kill life-sustaining food plants close to extinction in the duration of the global chaos, resulting in global dimming [1] and continuous cycles of extremely volatile weathers caused by climate warming (El NiƱo for example).

16. Members of the ruling Elite may survive due to foresightedness and their hoarding of precious resources, especially healthy livestock, seeds, clean water and purity & survivalist technologies. Animal life will be mostly critically endangered and extinct arising from deadly radiation, overhunting and overfishing and suffocating illness & starvation from profound ecological and environmental damage (total pollution, ravaged war zones with rotting corpses and massive amounts of ammunition, depeleted uranium, nuclear and bomb craters, etc).

17. Police states comprised of hardened and blood-thirsty military people and former law enforcement officers drafted to fight the Hated Enemy, under the strict management of the Fascistic ruling Elite that somehow manage to survive termination (obliteration by execution upon citizen arrest or perished in targeted zones) to "rebuild civilization", will be at their most oppressive -- the depths of brutality and cruelty in the subjugation of defenseless surviving populations upon forcible disarmament by the Fascists who answer only to the Elitist orders, no matter how remote wherever they live to subsist as survivalists, will rival the likes of Attila the Hun. They will shoot, assault and mutilate at will with recklessness and heartlessness in purely base and gleeful sadism, imprison to transport to concentration camps and opportunity to kidnap women and children to rape in excruciating, brutally degrading successions with absolute impunity being impervious to any moral objection, by self or other. Men can be sodomized for amusement and slaughtered in the meanwhile. The absolute individual -- never restrained by conscience in morals and decency -- power to play "jury, judge and executioner" over ordinary human beings will be poisonously intoxicating. Jackbooted Fascists armed to the teeth will have the sentiment of the heart of stone in rigid event control and free-style and/or controlled termination.

18. The New World Order -- composed of the collective power wielded by the surviving members of the Illuminati (hundreds or thousands of top-secret "Shadow Government" with substantial power in intelligence, business [industrial and medical], monetary/finance, science, military and government) that convene to form One World Government -- may rise from the ashes of death and destruction to offer salvation to the subjugated and fatigued human beings. Acceptance equals spared life. Rejection is death by immediate imprisonment, torture and termination.

Who knows what will happen next?

History Channel "Decoding the Past" (7:35)
Mayan prediction (12 min)

Mayan civilization -- extinct before the arrival of Columbus that ushered in the greatest genocide this world has ever seen -- predicted the "Apocalypse" -- End of the World -- in late 2012, possibly into 2013 and furthermore. Why the Mayans? Because they had a very intimate knowledge of the heavens as astronomers who take studying the night sky too seriously and developed a complex calculation system to measure and determine the times when they happened upon the final count. They believed this Earth was "re-born" a number of times after extinction-level times (such as when the Age of Dinosaurs ceased to exist with the combination of the meteor that impacted in the Yucatan region, mega earthquakes tearing apart continents that exceed the perfect 10 on the Richter scale and dozens of violently active supervolcanoes spewing massive ashes and lava seas which led to complete coverage of the Earth atmosphere in ash and sulfur killing off almost all life that culminated in a very long period of global cooling).

This time, to the Mayan astronomers, it's really "The End". What cause we may never know (except that pole shift could happen anytime after sub-10,000 year interval). However, I am continually fascinated by the conjectural subject of Nibiru, also known as Planet X. That need not be said further due to the majority of public scorn doubting its existence, let alone mere speculation.

Humankind survival is at stake. Human arrogance and stupidity will be to blame for our eventual extinction. Like JFK said, "mankind must end war or war will end mankind." Dr. Stephen Hawking was right - he said the only way of improving our survival is to overcome the common disagreement the world over (politiking and belligerent war-like attitude among Imperialists and Zionists), raise a few trillion dollar fund contributed by the humans who can afford -- even a penny -- (forced taxation is out of the question; I oppose carbon and unconstitutional income tax) to build the advanced technology and transport to outer space and attempt to colonize Mars or other life-sustaining planet. Of course, banish nuclear power technology as inherently destructive when misused.

On the subject of nuclear armament, we were this close in the cases of close call, especially 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. The sanity of President John F. Kennedy prevented the terrible outcome by repudiating Pentagon and Cabinet warhawks' demand to attack Post-Revolution Cuba and chose to "feel the enemy's feet" to deal with the belligerent U.S.S.R. (and in doing this diplomatically, restrain the somewhat irrational Fidel Castro and Che Guevaro from hitting the red button, as Robert McNamara's story will attest in the splendid Oscar-winning documentary The Fog of War) averted the catastrophe.

JFK, despite his human flaws, died a true patriot whose life was cut short by the cooperation of CIA and Mossad in eliminating the target, partly to avenge the failure of Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow Fidel's Communist-Leninist government (JFK refused to order U.S. Armed Forces assistance for coverage) as well as President Kennedy's implied threat to splinter CIA into "thousand pieces and scatter to the winds" reacting to CIA's incorrigible attitude and partly to shut him up over Israel's secret nuclear proliferation in Dimona. Unbelievable as it may seem, but I believe this to be the fact.

The extremities of Zionism and Western Imperialism will be the culprit of the destruction of this great human civilization that have seen at least five thousand years of amassed knowledge on innumerable subjects beginning with agriculture, science and politics, conventional wars, periods of peaceful harmony and life -- some good & happiness and some monstrously evil & sorrowful.

If it were not for the existence of base wickedness of the ruling Establishment in the West -- the severely compromised and controlled United States, illegitimate & paranoid Zionist regime of Israel and hedonistically corrupt Saudi Kingdom and Europe, there would be no foreign and corporate corruption of the Congress, perpetuality of fraud and usury in central banking and financial industry, false pretexts for wars with staged or instigated false flag attacks and exploitation of the common and destitute in predatory capitalism (slavery, deliberate impoverishment, land theft, ungodly waste, compromised food & water, biopiracy [terminator seeds, livestock mammal genetics patenting, etc], environmental destruction, etc) in collusion with the mass media as the useless, servile and cowardly "Fourth Estate" that perpetuate half-truth, lies, propaganda and deception to induce civilian subordination to "authority received as the truth rather than truth as the authority," to borrow the quote by 19th century English poet Gerald Massey.

As it stands now, the Establishment reigns supreme, whether you like it or not. French and Iranian Revolution happened because the Elite abused their "privileges" to oppress the common people and the common people retaliated and risked their patriotic lives to overthrow the Corruptors in native nationalist fervor. The 1917 October (Bolshevik/Soviet) Revolution and 1949 Chinese Revolution are apt comparisons, but like France, it led to terrible blood shedding and further oppression that later formed "progressive" republics with the representative governments installed after the period of red terror on the iron heel of totalitarianism vanish.

If it were not for the utter apathy of the torpid Americans dazzled by "bread and circuses" -- obesity-inducing refined food with subpar to non-existent nutrition value and select television channels known for covert and obvious propaganda, right-wing shill radio, mindlessly bad movies and other venues of entertainment that detract from the matter of real politics and undermine patriotic vigilance in accountability of the U.S. government and its elected & employed representatives, the Second American Revolution would have risen to conquer and destroy the Elitists to eliminate the Fascist Pluto-Oligarchy and shed the illuminating light on the true meaning of the twin pillars of "Freedom" and "Liberty" as promulgated by Samuel Adams, the founding revolutionary that led to the formation of a new country freed from British tyranny under King George III.

The problem is, the British is still here, [in America] figuratively speaking. And if they have a choice in that time, they would rather side with the British to continue exploiting and oppressing the People of the colonial states. And ostracize the Khazaric/Talmudic Jews to exile (and even termination by indisputable proof of persistent vile characteristics -- I do not mean merely innocent Jews of Semitic and non-Khazariac origins who would be spared and welcomed, but hard-core Talmud adherents) through revocation of U.S. citizenship and forbidden from covert interference as the numerous nations had done in the past because of their genetic and patterned traits of treason, dishonesty and exploitation of the conservative-progressive systems of American social, political and capitalist structures to consolidate the corruptible tenets of prestige, power and wealth.

Once the factors of pernicious nature and influence is eliminated as elucidated in exhaustive detail above -- completely, utterly, totally -- America will speedily recover from the economic and social pains and the political system restored to Constitutional standards in "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." And the world will recover and humankind would be in harmony, if only the Corruptors -- Talmudic Zionist Jews, Jingoistic Warhawks (military and Neoconservative/Neoliberal), Predatory Capitalist-Exploiter Corpocrats, Perfidious Congressional/Parliament Politicians, Power-Mongering Bureaucrats and Rothschild & Warburg-type International Bankers -- are deprived of their rights to kick out of the nations of which they are the citizens for Treason that proved injurious to the socioeconomic health and morale of the nations and endanger the unwritten rule of enforcing the peace and liberty of Civilization in fair diplomacy and justice...above all else.

[Samuel Adams' October 14, 1771 full letter to the Boston Gazette on liberty and tyranny omitted, available at Blogger post]
