Sunday, August 10, 2008

Occupation Iraq: Made in USA

Support the Troops, right?

One would think they could hire AMERICANS to at the very least do the WAR WORK!!!!!

No wonder Americans are turned down for jobs all over the place.
This is an EPIDEMIC because it is GOOD for the
ELITE, who want the ECONOMIC INTEGRATION and GLOBALIZATION PLAN to come to fruition!!!

"No defense for this" by Yvonne Abraham, Globe Columnist | August 10, 2008

NEW BEDFORD - Remember that huge raid in New Bedford last year?

Federal officials arrested more than 300 illegal immigrant workers at the Michael Bianco Inc. factory, a waterfront plant that produced backpacks for the military. Inside, they found awful working conditions.

US Attorney Michael Sullivan said it was like a 19th century sweatshop: Workers fined for being minutes late, or for talking during work hours. Double shifts with no overtime. More fines for spending too long in the bathrooms, where there was a chronic shortage of toilet paper.

Nobody should endure such conditions. And particularly not while working on a US military contract -- vital, taxpayer-funded work.

The Defense Department had a monitor at Bianco. Day after day, quality assurance officer Carmelo Kercado was surrounded by the immigrant workers, and the supervisors who exploited them. And yet, amazingly, he was ignorant of all of it, according to a spokesman at the Defense Contract Management Agency.

All he knew was, the backpacks were getting done.

Of course, to the Globe columnist, it is the treatment that is the problem, not the "illegality" of what is occurring. That's just fine.

Same old, same old, as far as the agenda-pushing... and it gets tiresome, America.
