"In the Hamptons, playground of the rich now in the hole; Haven's deficit may pass $12m" by Frank Eltman, Associated Press | August 9, 2008
EAST HAMPTON, N.Y. - While East Hampton is home to billionaires and celebrities such as financier Ronald Perelman, Alec Baldwin, and Steven Spielberg, the Hamptons also have a large number of working-class people, many of them illegal immigrants, who mow the lawns, trim the hedges, clean the swimming pools, park the cars, serve the hors d'oeuvres, tidy up the mansions, and do many of the other things that make life so enjoyable for the rich.
I guess that's why government facilitates that particular problem, huh?
And I'll give you one guess why the picture is posted.

East Hampton, on Long Island, N.Y., is burdened with a great deficit despite the community's spectacular wealth. (Kathy willens/associated press/file 2001)
You guessed it -- LIFE!!!!!!
Wanna know why?