Tuesday, August 26, 2008

More On Obama Assassination Plot

"Assassination plot on Barack Obama's life at DNC foiled -- who are THEY, really?


CBS4Denver.com: Plot to Kill Obama: Shoot From High Vantage Point


So Democratic presumpative nominee Barack Obama's groveling towards Israel and Ruling Elite Oligarchy of New York and Washington DC is not enough and we get to hear about this shit?

The alleged plot has nothing to do with Neo-Nazism, however I'm sure Neo-Nazi supporters would love to pull it off if they have the opportunity because of their hatred for a different skin color in perceived inferiority of racial characteristics.

It's strange the assassination conspirators chose Obama and they pay no mind to McCain hell-bent on carrying out the Neoconservative legacy that will very well break and destroy America's standing as the harbringer of liberty. And one of the conspirators possessed a large amount of meth with the estimated street value of thousands of dollars! One could completely waste a celebral cortex by smoking several grams of meth in one long-patterned hit.

It's apparent the Ruling Elite fear the "change" promised by the Obama-Biden campaign in positive societal effects, whatever it means. Not surprising the Elitists discussed the plan to "remove" Ron Paul if he wins in the primaries not a long ago.

If Ron Paul does indeed win the GOP nomination for president against the odds, as well as Barack Obama clinching the Democratic nomination that squash Hillary Clinton's covert plan to pull an upset nomination (despite her plea of political unity, she's still maddeningly ambitious in her mind), then they are gonna need a hell of a lot more adequate protection than what JFK and RFK had.

It's not just Obama, who promises change in spite of his perversely sycophantic pandering to Zionist interests. It's Ron Paul whose chance of being nominated and president-elect -- if "U.S. versus U.S.S.R. 1980 Olympics hockey" miracle can be possible -- that frightens the shit out of the fascistic Rulers who want to hold on to the power to control America through the complexes comprised of industrial, financial (Wall Street, hedge funds), military and medical establishments, conglomerate media and Federal Reserve to continue exploiting the world for self-enrichment.

They have the definite plan to execute Obama just as they had done to JFK, RFK and Paul Wellstone and get away with murder because one thing matter the most: power to control America's destiny as the sprawling, monstrous empire of war, expansionism, debt and domestic self-destruction ushering in the era of New World Order.

Retired police veteran claims to have the intel on Elite's plan to assassinate Ron Paul (4:31)



And if it looks like it and SMELLS LIKE IT, then IT IS!

Obama assassination plot story looks like bullshit