Wednesday, August 27, 2008

McCain to Ignore Party Platform

The primaries had to be rigged.

How the hell could this guy have been elected the nominee is beyond me.

"Nothing written into the platform will tie McCain's hands in the campaign and it was questionable whether he'd pay much attention to it.

He never has, so why would he now?

It HAD to be a RIG JOB!

"GOP base debates abortion, global warming

MINNEAPOLIS - Republicans yesterday debated election principles influenced by their conservative base as well as by presidential candidate John McCain, taking a hard line on abortion while edging toward a more moderate position on global warming.

In its platform debate, the party stuck to its call for a constitutional ban on abortion despite McCain's opposition to that and removed a line urging a reduction in abortions - underscoring their point that abortion should be eliminated.

The platform draft also urges a constitutional ban on gay marriage, which McCain also does not support. He opposes gay marriage and has expressed limited support for the rights accorded couples in same-sex civil unions.

The document would put the party on record as accepting that economic activity contributes to global warming, in line with McCain's views. But the platform is loaded with caveats about the uncertainty of science and the need to "resist no-growth radicalism."

The committee passed a plank calling for English to become the nation's official language, but not without some sparks. Sue Everheart of Georgia said she feared the position would cost Republicans the support of immigrants.

Nothing written into the platform will tie McCain's hands in the campaign and it was questionable whether he'd pay much attention to it. The platform will be adopted at the Republican National Convention next week in St. Paul (AP)."

Tell me again how this guy "won" the nomination?