Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Italian Cover-Up the New York Times Exposed

"Government coverup stirs Italian debate; Art historians perplexed by step by premier's team" by Elisabetta Povoledo, International Herald Tribune | August 6, 2008

ROME - The government coverup making headlines in Italy this August has been over its clumsy attempts to hide the truth.

The truth, in this case, refers to an 18th-century allegorical figure in a painting by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo that serves as a backdrop for government news conferences in Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's official residence.

It was retouched in recent weeks to cover an exposed breast, which "might have upset the sensitivity of some viewers," Paolo Bonaiuti, the prime minister's spokesman, told the Milan newspaper Corriere della Sera over the weekend."


Oh, I thought they were going to expose Gladio!

Silly me!!!