Monday, August 18, 2008

The Grand Canyon Becomes the Grand River

I'm sure the national neglect of infrastructure so we could pay for wars and pad war-profiteer bank accounts had nothing to do with it.

Boston Globe puts birds on page 2 (see post roster) and buries this "breaking news," according to CNN last night, on page A10.

Hey, they simply don't want you to know the country is falling apart while George W. Bush is getting ready to leave.

"Hundreds rescued after dam collapse; Floods hit near Grand Canyon" by Associated Press | August 18, 2008

PHOENIX - An earthen dam broke near the Grand Canyon early yesterday after heavy rains that forced officials to pluck hundreds of residents and campers from the gorge by helicopter. No injuries were immediately reported.

The failure of the Redlands Dam caused some flooding in the village of Supai, where about 400 members of the Havasupai tribe live, said Maureen Oltrogge, a spokeswoman for the Grand Canyon National Park.

No structures were damaged after the dam failed about 45 miles upstream from Supai, but some hiking trails and footbridges were washed out, she said. Trees were uprooted, the National Weather Service said.

As much as 8 inches of rain since Friday caused trouble even before the dam burst. A private boating party of 16 people was stranded on a ledge at the confluence of Havasu Creek and the Colorado River on Saturday night after flood waters carried their rafts away, Oltrogge said.


Send some of that rain California's way so it can help put out the fires, will ya?