Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Getting Into the Gloucester Kids' Pants

When you combine the obvious agenda-push (sexualization and promiscuity of our young girls) with the amount of media attention, I think it is pretty clear why this became a hot issue in the divisive, agenda-pushing Zionist press, readers.

And now the MSM is mad because they are going to be shut out of the meetings!

Would that they cared so much when it comes to the tyranny of this government, huh?

"Committee to debate banning media from talks on pregnancies; Mayor seeks frank forum" by Steven Rosenberg, Globe Staff | August 6, 2008

GLOUCESTER - The Gloucester School Committee will debate tonight whether to bar the media from attending three meetings scheduled next month to allow residents to discuss the recent surge in teenage pregnancies that made international news and rocked this seaside community.

Mayor Carolyn Kirk said the city is consulting with its law department but she believes that the meetings would not violate the state's Open Meeting Law, which requires that public meetings be open to the media. Kirk said the meetings are planned to jump-start the community's conversation about teenage pregnancy and would provide an outlet for people to discuss contraception, which is not provided at Gloucester High School's health clinic.


"The heavily Roman Catholic town, with a large Italian and Portuguese population, has long been supportive of teen mothers. The high school has a day care center for students and employees."

So THAT is what was with the divisive AGENDA-PUSH, huh, MSM?

In June, Time magazine reported that many of the 17 teenage pregnancies in the city stemmed from a pact made by several high school girls. Kirk denied that assertion, stating her own inquiry revealed no such pact.

What a GARBAGE BACKGROUND the BG gives!!!

"Time, which reported the pact in its June 18 edition, acknowledged that it had not interviewed any of the girls involved."

Yup, that is the AmeriKan MSM all right!!! Spreading LIES without TALKING to the ACTUAL PEOPLE!!!!

Kirk said the meetings would be overseen by a nonprofit organization, Public Conversations Project.

Mary Jacksteit, a spokeswoman for the nonprofit, which is funded by the California-based William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, said the group offered to oversee the meetings at no charge using their facilitators.


Why is some OUT-of-STATE NON-PROFIT coming in here to PROMOTE PROMISCUITY to our children, readers?

Just another globalist outfit, right?


Also see: The Pregnancy Pledge