Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Western Oasis

Try getting any contrary information out of the agenda-pushing fart-misters re: global-warming, readers.

When they have lied for so long (Iraq, 9/11. this, everything), they can't help but hide the truth.

"heavier-than-normal mountain snows this past winter"

Had to dig for that corn nutty in the soft-serve swirly!!!!

But that doesn't stop the Zionist agenda-pushing MSM from farting up a storm!

"A lake raises spirits in West; Water bountiful amid dry times" by Randal C. Archibold, New York Times News Service | August 24, 2008

PAGE, Ariz. - The story of water in the West is largely one of boom and bust, and lately, during a persistent drought, it was mainly bust. But now and then the rains and snow come, the streams and rivers gush, the huge lake in Page expands and the rhapsody of the rise commences.

"The red sands, the cliffs," said Bill Floor as he readied his boat for a jaunt through a channel not open in years because receding waters left it dry. "Lake Powell has its own special spirit."

Such excitement abounds in this summer of bountiful water, at least on the lake. That is right: in a drought, Lake Powell, unexpectedly and improbably, has risen to its highest point in six years, in the biggest increase since the dry period began in the fall of 1999.

Euphoric locals organized a contest to guess the precise time when the waters, swelled by heavier-than-normal mountain snows this past winter, would fill Castle Rock Cut, the channel through which Floor prepared to pass.

Hotels are full and booked a month in advance, although it is difficult to discern how much of that is because of the lake or the surge of European tourists - "they love the heat and Westerns and anything having to do with cowboys and Indians," one merchant.
