"UN accuses US-led troops in deaths of Afghans" by Fisnik Abrashi, Associated Press Writer | August 26, 2008

An Afghan doctor, left, examines Zinat Gul’s wounded hand, who allegedly was wounded by a U.S. air strike in Shindand district, as her mother looks on at a hospital in Herat, east of Kabul, Afghanistan on Monday, Aug. 25, 2008. President Hamid Karzai sacked two Afghan army officers Sunday, following a joint Afghan-coalition operation in the country's west that he said killed at least 89 civilians. (AP Photo/Fraidoon Pooyaa)
KABUL, Afghanistan --The United Nations said Tuesday it has found "convincing evidence" that U.S. coalition troops and Afghan forces killed some 90 civilians, including 60 children, in airstrikes in western Afghanistan.
The U.N. said it based its findings solely on the testimony of villagers and meetings with Afghan officials, and did not provide photos or evidence that its investigators saw any graves. The U.N. finding backed up the government claim. The U.N. said their investigation "found convincing evidence, based on the testimony of eyewitnesses, and others, that some 90 civilians were killed, including 60 children, 15 women and 15 men."
The Defense Department believes "it was a good strike."As an American, this is shaming!!!
I APOLOGIZE, Afghanis, even though I know that will NEVER BE ENOUGH!!!
Nor will the tears I shed at the loss of your loved ones!! CHILDREN!!!!!
Tell it to the women in the photograph!!!!
And what they don't tell you is, WE BOMBED OUR FRIENDS!!!
"a memorial ceremony was being held for a deputy militia commander allied with the Afghan police named Timor Shah, who had died in a personal dispute several months ago. Because of the memorial, relatives and friends from outside Azizabad were staying overnight in village homes"