Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Two Russias

So says the discredited Zionist War Dailies, anyway:

"Georgia war reflects ancient Russian fears; Suspicion of West, wounded pride had role" by Douglas Birch, Associated Press | August 24, 2008

MOSCOW - The move stunned many in the United States and Europe. But it was the result, at least in part, of factors the West has never really understood: Russia's wounded pride over its loss of the Soviet empire, its fear of NATO expansion along its borders, and its anger over being treated as a backwater in Europe rather than a global power.

Russia says it was forced to respond to Georgia's ferocious assault on the capital of separatist South Ossetia, which killed scores of civilians and a number of Russian peacekeepers. But Russia's role in the Caucasus is much more than that of a neutral peacekeeping force, and its intervention goes much deeper than the latest clashes.

Russia is right, and the agenda-pushing Zionist MSM is trying to turn it into something it is not!

For much of the world, the motives behind the conflict seem murky; after all, the Cold War is over and the Soviet Union is dead. Russia, it seemed, was becoming a modern nation, part of the international community.

What is hard for the world to see, though, is that there are two Russias. The first is a rapidly developing modern country, a major energy exporter with expanding ties to the global economy, a nation with a sense of pride and purpose after years of struggle.

Symbols of this new Russia are everywhere, from the gleaming skyscrapers springing up along the Moscow River to shopping centers being built in Siberia.

Certainly not the vision of Russia we get through the Zionist MSM! My whole life I've been taught that Russia is a dingy, dark place with no aesthetics.

Like when I watched the Olympic basketball team and was surprised it wasn't five thick-legged, slow-footed Bolsheviks.

But behind this growing European facade is an older and less familiar Russia, one that is much harder for foreigners to grasp. This Russia is a 1,000-year-old civilization that is distrustful of political change, wary of the West, and jealous of its historic role as master of its corner of the world.

Ever hear of the Monroe Doctrine, Jew press?

I'm really tired of the bias, folks, I really am.

This is a country that throughout its history has felt threatened by independent nations on its borders, and now feels under siege.

Yeah, and with GOOD REASON!!! That's been the PLAN ALL ALONG!!!

The feeling of being surrounded is an uncomfortably familiar one for Russia, which has no natural borders and has been invaded by everyone from the Mongols to the Swedes, the French, and the Germans.

Maybe that's why they got a bit of a 'tude about the whole NATO encirclement gig, huh?

To protect itself physically, Russia continually sought to extend its borders and prop up neutral buffer states at the periphery of its sphere of influence. To protect its unique culture, which is neither European nor Asian but both, it adopted a kind of psychological isolation from the rest of the world.

The Zionist press makes it sound like they are a "crazy" nation, doesn't it?

I guess they would see it that way when it challenges Zionism!

Unlike many Western powers, Russia seems unable or unwilling to turn its back on its cruel but glorious legacy of empire.

You mean, as USrael tries to build one?


And tell AmeriKa to FACE UP to ITS SLAUGHTERS, huh?

Got about 2 MILLION IRAQIS SOULS who have a beef, as well as millions of Vietnamese and other peoples around the planet!!

Andre Mironov, one of the last of the Gulag prisoners and a longtime human rights advocate, said, "What Russia does now, it cannot be analyzed with modern political logic. It is obsolete. If modern countries like the US declare war, they have more or less rational reasons, even if they are mistaken."

Are you effin-fucking-kidding me?


Who is this guy, some Zionist stooge?
