Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Third-Party Candidates

First of all, I won't be voting Nader.

I did that deal twice already, and I have come to unfortunate conclusion that Ralph is part of the controlled-opposition. How did he make the ballots so easy, and why did Ron Paul poo-poo an independent run? Something wrong there, too, if you ask me. I like his book and ideas, but that doesn't make him a God.

Anyhow, my name wasn't one of them

"Nader to turn in 17,000 names for Mass. ballot

Ralph Nader's campaign announced yesterday that it will submit the signatures necessary today to get on the November presidential ballot in Massachusetts. Once made official, Massachusetts would become the 34th state where Nader will appear on the ballot, his campaign said (Boston Globe)."

I won't be voting for him this time, but I do agree with him here (especially with the AmeriKan MSM pointing in the other direction).

This also will keep Hitlery from stealing the nomination; however, Obama will have to watch his back!

"Nader predicts Obama to pick Clinton

"Hillary does not want VP. Hillary wants that center seat. She might take VP as a consolation prize, but Obama has to know he signs his own death warrant with Hillary in the #2 slot. After all, look what happened to the guy who wanted that Senate seat Hillary sits in now!"-- Webmaster of Wake the Flock Up

Here is the guy I will most likely be voting for:

"Libertarian cites poll for inclusion in debates

Libertarian Bob Barr, trying to squeeze into the presidential debates, yesterday cited a recent poll by Zogby that shows that 55 percent of all voters want him included.

In the survey, 69 percent of independents favored inviting Barr, a former Republican congressman from Georgia. Younger voters were more open to including Barr, Zogby said.

"We're very pleased to hear the results of the poll and are heartened to learn that most voters don't buy into the 'spoiler' argument," Russell Verney, Barr's campaign manager, said (Boston Globe)."

And they told us Ron Paul didn't do that well?