Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Sweepstakes Winners

See: The Obama Sweepstakes

"Most free-pass winners from battleground states

Barack Obama's campaign announced yesterday the 10 winners of its contest for a backstage pass to the Democratic National Convention and - shocking! - most of them come from battleground states and hit the key demographics.


What is with the EDITORIAL CYNICISM, Boston Globe reporter?

Would that you would show such skepticism towards Bush and the mass-murdering war criminals whom lied us into wars -- with your help!

This puts a cap on the BG and AmeriKan MSM right here.

It is NOT NEWS, it is just AGENDA-PUSHING GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!

The winners include a nominally Republican college student from Ohio, a retired YMCA director from Pennsylvania who is also a Sunday school teacher, a retired schoolteacher who lives in a GOP-friendly retirement community in Florida, a disabled veteran from Virginia, an Iraq war veteran from Colorado, and even a veteran from North Carolina who served in Vietnam with Republican John McCain, but now backs Obama because of McCain's support for the Iraq war.

The 10 supporters, plus one guest each, will get free airfare and hotel and will attend two days of the convention, including a private session with Obama before he accepts the nomination at Invesco Field in Denver on Aug. 28 (Boston Globe)."

Not worried about the carbon footprint, huh?