One would think that a group like aL-Qaeda would be avowed enemies of these Jewish Media Goups, yet they regularly release videos to place called IntelCenter, run by a Ben N. Venzke and a Rita Katz of SITE.
Venzke has an uncanny ability to be the first to get ahold of these AQ videos, which is saying a lot for Ben, since he runs his studio out of a PO box.
The computer geeks at MOSSAD studios have been busy lately, which must mean another Israeli "false-flag" is in the works.
Just how in the hell do the allegedly mortal enemies of BL and aL-Qaeda always seem to be the first ones to get their hands on these aL-Qaeda videos?
Has aL-Qaeda signed an exclusive licensing agreement with Venzke and Rita Katz of SITE ? How else would one explain these videos only be delivered--or made--at Katz's group, called S.I.T.E. and Venzke's group called IntelCenter?
Sure is nice of BL and his pals to sign away exclusive rights to some of their good buddies and pals in the Jewish world of intelligence???
Here's some info from Source Watch on Ben Venzke and his IntelCenter.
April 2006: A video featuring Qaeda no. 2 Ayman al-Zawahiri, in which he said the US military had "seen only 'loss, disaster and misfortune' in Iraq", "was first obtained by IntelCenter".[2].
In June 2006, a video of "20th hijacker" Fawaz al-Nashimi, who died in a shootout in Saudi Arabia in 2004, "was released by IntelCenter".[3]
On 30 September 2006, IntelCenter "made available" an 18-minute Al-Qaeda tape in which Al-Zawahiri called Bush "a deceitful charlatan".[4].
On 2 October 2006, IntelCenter and Venzke were again referenced as a source in an article detailing a silent Al Qaeda video recently released in which two 9/11 hijackers, Muhammad Atta, and Zaid Al-Jarrah, read their last will and testaments[5].
On 4 July 2007, an al-Zawahiri video was "provided by al-Qaeda's As-Sahab Media to ... IntelCenter".[6] Another US-based intelligence group, SITE, "said it had obtained the tape ahead of its release on the internet by militant web sites".[1] The video was "first reported by IntelCenter and SITE".[7]
The above info was copied and pasted before Intel Center--or someone--deleted this vital information.
Dropped down the "Memory Hole."
How convenient.
Maybe the feds should save 20 or so billion a year and disband part of the NSA and the CIA, since these snoops never seem to be able to find these AQ videos, but our Kosher buds at Intel Center and SITE have no problem.
Zawahiri releases video in English
Al-Qaeda nember two call for jihad in Pakistan in his first official video in which he speaks English.
WASHINGTON - Ayman al-Zawahiri, the second-in-command to Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, has released his first English-language video call for jihad in Pakistan, the US-based IntelCenter said Sunday.
The message was aired on Pakistan's ARY television network, IntelCenter said in a statement, adding that it marked "the first official message ever ... in which he speaks English."
Zawahiri "calls for the people to support jihad in Pakistan and lists a litany of grievances against the Pakistani government and US involvement there," said IntelCenter, which monitors extremist websites and communications.
In particular, Zawahiri accuses Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf of being "thirsty for money and a bribeseeker," arguing that he is working to support US and Western interests and that he has committed crimes against Muslims all over the world.
Zawahiri was briefly rumored to have died in a July 28 missile strike in Pakistan, but US intelligence and Pakistan's Taliban movement subsequently denied the reports.