Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pentagon Moves, Renames Domestic Spying Office

They NEVER close them, readers. They just give them different names.

"Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, under intense criticism, closed the Pentagon's Office of Strategic Influence, a short-lived operation to provide news items, possibly including false ones... a secret order signed by Mr. Rumsfeld late last year and called "Information Operations Roadmap....." remains classified but was described by officials who had read it, accelerated "a plan to advance the goal of information operations as a core military competency."

.... Much of the Pentagon's work in this new area falls under a relatively unknown field called Defense Support for Public Diplomacy. This new phrase is used to describe the Pentagon's work in governmentwide efforts to communicate.... At the Pentagon, that effort is managed by Ryan Henry, Mr. Feith's principal deputy for policy."

"Pentagon closing an intelligence site

The Pentagon said yesterday it was closing a controversial intelligence office that had raised concerns about domestic spying by the military after the Sept. 11 attacks. The Defense Department said it had "disestablished" the Counterintelligence Field Activity office, or CIFA, which was created in February 2002 to counter possible threats to US military installations. The office's duties included conducting "domestic threat analyses and risk assessments" to assist the protection of US forces and infrastructure (Reuters)."