Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pelosi's Scary Slip

I come before you very humbly and honored, readers, as one of you has found something I missed.

Maybe it was time pressure, maybe it was haste, maybe I
read it quick and thought she said what she should have said... but she didn't.

The gratitude emanating from this quarter is unmeasurable, bloggers, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

"Pelosi: “this election is like death for life on this planet as we know it today.”
Posted by morris108 on August 13, 2008

I found all this post’s quotes (& pics) on a blog called rockthetruth

Pelosi was promoting her new book and:

American University of Judaism’s Rabbi Robert Wexler, who moderated the 75 minute discussion, asked Pelosi to analyze a recent Rasmussen poll that found nine percent of voters polled believed Congress was doing a good job, far lower than President Bush’s overall approval rating.

She answered to vote for Obama:

[...]“Whether it’s the deficit or the challenges to the constitution we have to dig our way out,” Pelosi said, adding

“this election is like death for life on this planet as we know it today.”

She should know, it sounds about right, but we don’t know exactly what she was thinking about when she said it. Probably at least that the whole election is a staged show, with a lot more war planned.


Let me think about that for a minute: DEATH for LIFE on this planet.

DEATH for LIFE on this planet.

Oh, I'm not feeling very good at all, Ms. Speaker!!!!
