Saturday, August 9, 2008

Occupation Iraq: Marine Court-Martial

What is never commented on nor reported is the U.S.' use of CHEMICAL WEAPONS in Fallujah in 2004.

"Marine facing court-martial in Fallujah killing; Sergeant is one of three accused in four deaths" by Chelsea J. Carter, Associated Press | August 9, 2008

SAN DIEGO - A Camp Pendleton Marine sergeant was ordered yesterday to stand trial on charges of unpremeditated murder and dereliction of duty in the killing of an unarmed detainee in Fallujah, Iraq.

Weemer is one of three current and former Marines accused of breaking rules of engagement and killing four men they had captured after a platoon commander radioed to ask whether the Iraqis were "dead yet."

The killings occurred in November 2004 during the invasion of Fallujah, one of the fiercest ground battles of the Iraq war.

During the hearing last month, prosecutors played a tape recording of the Secret Service interview where Weemer recounted arguing with his squadmates about what to do with the detainees - all military-age males captured in a house where weapons were also found.

Weemer's attorney has put much of the blame on Weemer's former squad leader, saying Jose Nazario Jr. escalated the situation inside the house by beating one detainee with the butt of a rifle after the weapons cache was found.


Nothing on the CURRENT VIOLENCE of course (except one car bomb in Tal Afar).

AmeriKan MSM gonna keep that quiet from now on.

Also see:

Memory Hole: Iraq's Jails

Memory Hole: Torture Rules

Memory Hole: Camp Nama and Task Force 6-26

Occupation Iraq: New Torture Techniques Revealed

Occupation Iraq: Winter Soldiers Speak