Sunday, August 17, 2008

McCain's Money Worth More

That's the tone of the article even thogh Obama raised more!

Never let never be said that the Zionist press' propaganda operation doesn't have chutzpah!!!!

"Obama Raises Over $51 Million in July" by Sarah Wheaton and William Bardenwerper

The McCain took in a more modest $27 million last month. Still, July was the best fund-raising month ever for Mr. McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, and the fifth month in a row that donations to his campaign exceeded those of the previous month.

The Obama campaign said it had $65.8 million on hand, compared with Mr. McCain’s $21.4 million at the end of July.

Although neither his bank balance nor his July donations were as robust as Mr. Obama’s, Mr. McCain can count on an infusion of $84 million in public money after the Republican National Convention in early September. Mr. Obama has chosen to forgo public financing, so he has greater spending flexibility, but he must collect every cent himself.

What, he doesn't have staff for that?

The NYT makes it sound like Obama has to PERSONALLY collect it all!

See what I mean about the subtleties of the shit press?

The Republican National Committee is also likely to be substantially more helpful to Mr. McCain than its Democratic counterpart, which has struggled with fund-raising, will be to Mr. Obama.

Translation: Those of us who CONTRIBUTED to DEMOCRATS so they could win back Congress are PISSED OFF!!!!

I will NEVER, EVER, give any $$$ to Democrats ever again!!!!

When they call now, I tell them to get it from AIPAC and I hang up!!!!

Mr. McCain’s uptick in donations in July came on the heels of receiving some good news on Thursday from the Federal Election Commission, whose lawyers concluded that Mr. McCain was not legally bound to remain in the public financing system for his primary bid and did not break the law by first promising to be in the program and later deciding to withdraw.

Democrats have said that Mr. McCain violated the law when he used the promise of participation in the public financing system as collateral for bank loans taken out late last year to help his then-floundering campaign. The election commission announced an investigation into the charges after the Democratic National Committee filed a lawsuit alleging that Mr. McCain had broken the law.

Big surprise there; you think the party pooh-bahs would want to expose the rank corruption and rot of the electoral system?

Just MORE FOOLEYS for you, 'murka!
