Friday, August 22, 2008

The Long, Slow Pfffft of the AmeriKan MSM

Yeah, the lying on this is bothering me more than the 9/11 and Iraq lying, probably because so many people still believe this BS.

It is becoming less and less, however, as more people have commented to me about it. PEOPLE KNOW what the WEATHER has been, even if they forget all the war lies!!!!

"Conferees are told of 'climate shocks'; African countries fearful of damage" by Arthur Max, Associated Press | August 22, 2008

ACCRA, Ghana - Africa already is suffering from "climate shocks," the president of Ghana told a 160-nation climate conference yesterday, joining a chorus of calls to speed up the pace of talks on a new agreement to rein in carbon emissions.

More than 1,600 delegates and environmental specialists began a week of tough UN-sponsored negotiations, hoping to start drafting language for a treaty due to be adopted next year. The agreement would succeed the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012.

President John Kufuor said Ghana had witnessed devastating drought and floods in recent years, underscoring scientific predictions that Africa will be the worst-hit continent if the average temperature continues to rise.

Well, they ARE NOT! Take a look at my environment labels!!!!

The new accord, likely to be called the Copenhagen Agreement since it is due to be concluded in the Danish capital, will partially focus on creating funds and transferring technology to developing countries to help them adapt to climate change while building economies.

Translation: This is part of the BIG GLOBALIST PROJECT!!!

The scale of lies reaches such a level of enormity that one must dismiss all that the agenda-pushing newspapers say now.
