Sunday, August 3, 2008

Google's Games and the Matter of Trust

Oh, I'm still here, isn't that great? Like I really give a damn flipping **** at this point now.

I know the whole deal is to "get over it." Yup, just "get over it" like the damn Iraq and 9/11 lies, and just "get over it" about these mass-murdering war criminal torturers in our midst, and just "get over it" with the lying, scum-**** AmeriKan MSM, and just "get over it" with me looking like a damn fool, alarmist, liar or worse. Yeah, just "get over" the poisoning of the relationship.

Yeah, "get over" the banks and the oil companies raping you, and just "get over" your wife cheating on you, and just "get over" (fill in your own greivance). Yeah, just "get over" being lied to non-stop, 24/7 since the moment of birth. Just "get over" the threat to all my hard work and "get over" the feeling of trepidation and insecurity when I log on now. I'm beginning to wonder whether Google's little "mistake" wasn't a test of a web shutdown.

You know, they can spy on all our calls and e-mails, turn over searches to the government (can't stop hackers -- I've lost the blog once; take a look at my oldest post and when I started -- or porn pukes, but...), but their little spybots go wild, blah, blah.

So WHAT KEY WORDS WERE YOU GUYS USING?! Then TURN BACK ON HALF so sow distrust like you do with the damn 9/11 Truth and every other issue you touch, you dividing....?

I know its Sunday and I should be more forgiving, but you know, I've had it up to here with that, too!!!! I'm tired of "forgiving" and "getting over" these MASS-MURDERING WAR CRIMINALS and MONSTERS, these GLOBALIST PARASITE PUKES, that THEY DON'T DESERVE!!!!

Yeah, you are DAMN RIGHT I'M FURIOUS!!!! I kept posting here 'new format, new format." Well, I HAD FINALLY GOTTEN INTO A GROOVE!!!! I HAD DIRECTION, I HAD PURPOSE!!!!! I was weaving in the atrocious MSM, the lying looters of my state, and world articles as well as capturing important blog posts (all ones I read or watched, I might add)!!! I had finally settled in to a very healthy sleep pattern, and I guess I was just getting to full of myself, huh?

Then, as is so often the case in life, the apple cart is upset!!! I guess there is truth to the saying never get comfortable. Hey, don't take it personally, it's nothing you did, I know! Well, IT IS PERSONAL because IT HAS AFFECTED ME!!!! The one thing that revs me up more than anything is CONDESCENSCION!!!!

So now I don't know where I'm going and what I'm doing. I've already read the puke war dailies, and its the same thing all over again. Nothing but garbage propaganda gleaned with little corn kernels in the s*** pile!!!

On top of that, MY LOCAL has a VAST ARRAY of stories the Globe chose not to pick up. Can you say censorship (on top of the divisve, obfuscating, agenda-pushing, war-promoting, damnable lies)?

Then, when I go to the blogs, I find some of the same items my locals covered as well as s*** squirts found in some of the garbage MSM (Globe and local). The question is, do I want to spend all morning cross-referencing, searching the web, blah, blah, blah, always worrying about content, language, blah, blah, blah. If it wasn't all the tech crap I'm no good at, it is the same MSM garbage.

At this point, it becomes a debate about whether I even want to link them and direct anyone to their sites. You can go read the blogs I would read to the right, so how much of that should I put here?

I truly belief that SOB Anti Christ rules down here, to have gotten away with so much for so long -- and only one more task to perform (Iran).

Have yourselves a good day whoever came here to read this dirge.