Friday, August 15, 2008

France's Mass-Murdering Holocaust Deniers

How come THEY are not in the DOCK for WAR CRIMES, 'eh?

No, when you CONTROL the INSTITUTION, your crimes will go UNPUNISHED and UNACKNOWLEDGED!

However, if you are a leader of a small country that same powers find to be an enemy (for whatever reason, even serving them), then you are in trouble.

Please see:
U.S. Backs African War Criminal for starters.

The author is also a writer of books on Iran, readers.

"France's role in the Rwandan genocide" by Stephen Kinzer | August 14, 2008

Stephen Kinzer is author of "A Thousand Hills: Rwanda's Rebirth and the Man Who Dreamed It."

IS THE defendant's dock at the International Criminal Court reserved for leaders of small and poor countries that defy the West? Not if Rwanda has its way. It wants to charge some of France's most celebrated leaders of the 1990s as collaborators in genocide.

Last week the government of Rwanda issued a damning 500-page report documenting France's participation in the 1994 Rwandan genocide. This marks a remarkable turnaround in the deeply politicized world of human rights reporting. Usually, such reporting takes the form of governments or human rights groups based in the West condemning poor countries for having political or social systems that do not meet Western standards. Now a wretched African country has turned the table.

All who study the Rwandan genocide, as I did while researching a book about that ill-fated country, come away stunned by what they learn about French support of mass murder. France was so eager to defend a client regime against English-speaking rebels that, as the new report asserts, it gave that regime "political, military, diplomatic and logistic support" and "directly assisted" its genocidal campaign.

The report names 33 present and former French politicians and military officers as conspirators, among them the late President Francois Mitterrand and other well-known figures like former foreign minister Alan Juppe and former prime minister Dominique de Villepin.

The report, commissioned by the government and prepared by a panel that heard from more than 150 witnesses, is not only a devastating account of France's eager participation in mass murder. It is also the most provocative example in modern history of a victimized nation pointing a credible finger of blame at the supposedly virtuous West.

France armed Rwanda's murderous regime, sent soldiers to support it as the genocide was unfolding, and accepted some of its most heinous perpetrators as "refugees" after rebels forced them from power.

Gee, the Zionist-controlled, agenda-pushing, obfuscating, and distorting AmeriKan MSM sure kept a lid on that -- AS IT WAS HAPPENING (read on).

Later, France helped the genocidaires regroup in the Congo and launch a savage cross-border campaign aimed at retaking power so they could complete their murderous work.

And notice how the HOLOCAUST in the CONGO goes COMPLETELY UNMENTIONED by the Zionist press.

That's because the #s are MORE than the Holohoax™.

Please see: The War that did not make the Headlines: Over Five Million Dead in Congo?

Even as the genocide was unfolding, reports of France's support for it began appearing in French newspapers. French soldiers who arrived in Rwanda believing that they had come to protect victims soon realized that they were, in fact, protecting killers, and several communicated their disgust to French journalists....

So it was KNOWN AT THE TIME, folks!!!!

And the reactions of the French soldiers is emblematic of the U.S. soldier in Iraq and the current epidemic of troop suicides.

No one likes being a Nazi -- no one with a soul, that is.

A spokesman for the French foreign ministry rejected the Rwandan report as "unacceptable."


That was a mistake. The report should be an occasion for French leaders to reflect on their country's history in ways Western nations seldom do. Perhaps they could even break with the longstanding pattern of denial that has shaped so much of modern history.

Oh, man, tell me about it! All those lies I was taught in school and that we are forced to live with everyday!

Thanks to author Mike Whitney's research, we now know:

"In researching the Bush administration’s manipulation of public perceptions, I came across an interesting summary of the State Department’s Philip Zelikow, who was Executive Director on the 9-11 Commission, that greatest of all charades. According to Wikipedia:

"Prof. Zelikow’s area of academic expertise is the creation and maintenance of, in his words, 'public myths’ or 'public presumptions’ which he defines as 'beliefs (1) thought to be true ( although not necessarily known with certainty) and (2) shared in common within the relevant political community.’ In his academic work and elsewhere he has taken a special interest in what he has called 'searing’ or 'molding’ events (that) take on transcendent’ importance and therefore retain their power even as the experiencing generation passes from the scene….He has noted that 'a history’s narrative power is typically linked to how readers relate to the actions of individuals in the history; if readers cannot make the connection to their own lives, then a history may fail to engage them at all." ("Thinking about Political History" Miller center Report, winter 1999, p 5-7)

Isn’t that the same as saying there is neither history nor truth; that what is really important is the manipulation of epochal events so they serve the interests of society’s managers? Thus, it follows that if the government can create their own "galvanizing events", then they can write history any way they choose.

If that’s the case, then perhaps the entire war on terror is cut from whole cloth; a garish public relations maneuver devoid of meaning."

You think?

Like all countries, France is built on national myths.

Didn't I just make that point?

If it can admit the evil that has pervaded its role in Africa, perhaps other countries could follow by confronting the sins of their past.

Like AmeriKa? I wouldn't wait around! Not this "exceptional" nation!

That would be an admission that people who, in Joseph Conrad's words, "have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves" are not the only ones guilty of the 20th century's great crimes."


And the 21st century looks like it will belong to USrael!!!!!!?