Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fogging Up Friendly Fire in Afghanistan

Please see: Friendly Fire Killed French in Afghanistan

Nice going, lying and obfuscating AmeriKan MSM!

"French ponder Afghan mission" by Laurent Pirot, Associated Press | August 23, 2008

PARIS - France's prime minister wants parliament to vote on whether to keep French forces in Afghanistan, his office said yesterday, as a poll showed most citizens want the troops pulled out after 10 died this week in an ambush.

Who killed 'em, MSM?

Parliament, which is dominated by President Nicolas Sarkozy's conservative party, is nearly certain to approve a continuation of the French presence in Afghanistan. A survey in the daily Le Parisien yesterday showed 55 percent of respondents think France should leave the NATO mission fighting the Taliban, compared with 36 percent who say they should remain.


Just like most people around the world!

The only ones who want war are the psychos running the show.