Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Clinton's Karl Rove

So what happened?

"Ex-Clinton strategist lauds negative ads' effectiveness

Mark Penn, the former chief strategist for Hillary Clinton, is not exactly the most popular person in the political world these days.

Clinton still owes him money, but many donors have been angrily saying that they don't want any of their cash going his way. And a new Atlantic magazine story paints him as wanting to go very negative against Barack Obama - counsel that Clinton rejected.

She owes a lot of people $$$!

So, it is rather rich that he wrote an opinion piece for the Politico website that declares: "Clever negative advertising works. That is reality. The tactic meets with media and pundit disapproval and spawns accusations of negativity, but the reality is that a clever negative ad can be devastatingly effective."

People don't like it, but he is correct!

Penn praises Republican John McCain's much-dissected spot that compares Obama with celebutantes Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, even putting it in a pantheon of provocative spots that he said included Lyndon Johnson's "Daisy" ad and his "it's 3 a.m. and your children are sleeping" spot (Boston Globe)."

Oh, yeah, Paris: Who I Am Writing In For President