Also see: The Israel-India Axis
WHO BENEFITS MOST when you tie in Russia/Georgia, Iran/Israel and Pakistan/India?
Let's see, West against East there, Israel will get what it wants, and pit Hindu against Muslim when nothing was really going on there?
Again, if you are getting ready to attack Iran, nothing like getting everyone who might come to their defense busy (China tied up with Olympics).
It is so sad, readers, to have to continually come back to the one group of people and individuals who have been gaining since, well, even before 9/11, but ever since, well...
Only one more mission to perform, 'eh, you old Anti Christ SOB?
"Shrine clash threatens to tear volatile Kashmir from India; Long-simmering animosities erupt in troubled area" by Aijaz Hussain, Associated Press | August 9, 2008
SRINAGAR, India - It started as a small demonstration against a plan to build bathrooms and shelters for Hindu pilgrims visiting a shrine in Kashmir.
But 12 deaths and 47 days of rioting have transformed the protests into one of the worst political crises to hit this Himalayan region, threatening to sever the bonds between the predominantly Muslim region of Kashmir and Hindu-majority India.
How come this is the first I've seen of it in my AmeriKan MSM?
WTF? I guess THOSE PROTESTS aren't worth it -- for whatever reason.
Even during the last two decades of a brutal separatist rebellion in Kashmir and India's harsh military response, the region remained firmly tethered to the rest of India through its coexistence with the predominantly Hindu region of Jammu - united in the state of Jammu-Kashmir.
The traditionally good relations between the two regions were a rare bright point in the long-troubled region that has otherwise been a flash point for Hindu-Muslim conflict and the rivalry between India and Pakistan.
Now, surging violence has laid bare long-buried animosities. Hindus in Jammu say they are tired of the union and blocked the main road linking them to Kashmir to make their point. And most Kashmiris say a divorce would suit them too.
I say, WHY NOT?
Hey, if it is GOOD ENOUGH for Kosovo it is GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANYONE!!!
The riots began on June 23 after the state government announced it was transferring about 100 acres of land to the Amarnath shrine - a cave to which hundreds of thousands of pilgrims flock every year to see a large phallic-shaped icicle revered by Hindus as an incarnation of Lord Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction and regeneration.
The land was to be used to build facilities for the devotees. But Muslims feared it was a ploy to establish a Hindu settlement in the region and change the demographic balance. After days of intense protests, the state government caved, revoking the land transfer. When that failed to quell the unrest, the Congress party-led state government resigned.
But while the moves mollified Muslims in Kashmir, it sparked a fresh wave of protest in Jammu, where Hindus alleged their religious rights were being trampled on. "The land issue is now symbolic and it's the issue of our dignity as in the past 60 years," said Harsh Dev Singh, a Hindu politician with the Jammu and Kashmir National Panthers Party, which is based in Jammu.
Singh, who wants a separate state for Jammu's Hindus, said that within the current state Hindus are discriminated against in government jobs, public funding, and education.
In recent days Hindu protesters in Jammu have fought street battles with police, defying curfews, and blocked the Srinagar-Jammu highway, Kashmir's main link to the rest of the country. Hindu mobs have also attacked Muslim shops and homes and chanting slogans demanding Muslim Kashmiris leave the area.
Yesterday the army warned it could deploy soldiers in the area and use force if necessary to clear access to the road.
The attacks and the blockade left hundreds of trucks full of fruit from Kashmir destined for other parts of India rotting and shortages of basic supplies in Indian Kashmir's main city of Srinagar, further angering Kashmiris."
And what is this I see?
Indian police officers detained an activist from the Muslim Women's Center during a protest yesterday in Srinagar. (mukhtar khan/Associated Press)
Yeah, that's just great!!!!
A Muslim Women's Center, huh?
Gee, my Zionist War Dailies had me convinced the Muslim men just thrashed them and drank their blood.