Thursday, August 28, 2008

California Cuts a Gasser

So the more you drive, the more your TAX goes up -- even if you don't have any accidents!!!

Nice reward, Arnie!!

"Calif. may tie insurance prices to driver's mileage

The less California motorists drive, the less they might pay for auto insurance under proposed regulations. State Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner said the idea is to provide an incentive for motorists to save fuel and cut greenhouse gas emissions. Such pay-as-you-drive policies already are an option in 34 states. The Brookings Institution estimates nearly two-thirds of California families would save money under the plan, an average of $276 a year per vehicle. The regulations would allow insurers to track mileage through odometer readings or wireless devices placed in vehicles but prohibit the tracking of motorists' locations or how they drive (AP)."

Enjoy your fascism, AmeriKa, as the limos rolls buy!!!!

Don't forget to salute Sig Heil!