Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Boston Globe S**** on the Olympics

What is the Chinese word for hypocrisy, anyone know?


Seeming is believing in Beijing

IN THE end, China probably was more embarrassed by the revelation that a 9-year-old performer was lip-synching the national anthem at the Olympics opening ceremony than by its crackdown in Tibet, its stonewalling of grieving parents after the deadly Sichuan earthquake in May, or its support of brutal regimes in Burma or Darfur.

The crucial period, it seems, for human rights activists or the United States to have influenced the communist government in Beijing was before it won its bid to host the Olympics. Once the Summer Games began, international audiences, and most of the media, became swept up in the beauty and thrill of the athletic performances. At that point, the public relations battle was fought on China's turf - and terms.

And the BG here deftly complied -- if you have followed their Olympic coverage, that is!

Playing the place card

After an initial barrage of publicity and support from celebrities such as Mia Farrow, the idea of world leaders boycotting what activists called "the Genocide Olympics" to press the Chinese on human rights essentially fizzled.

Maybe she should lunch with Blackwater on that one: Breakfast With Blackwater

Meanwhile, China continues in its complicity in the mass killings in Darfur and Zimbabwe - where it used its Security Council veto to scuttle a United Nations resolution placing sanctions on the rogue government of Robert Mugabe. China needs Africa's energy resources, and that strategic alliance will not be ruptured by mere public relations.

Umm, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Palestine. Any ring a bell, you fucking piece of shit paper?

As for showing the world a more open domestic society, China steadfastly refused to be measured by Western terms. Its creation of a so-called protest zone, with its Kafka-esque application process, was both tragedy and farce. Not one of the 77 official applications to stage protests in the designated zones was approved.

In other words, AmeriKa ALLOWS YOU to PROTEST in a CAGE!

That's the only difference.

What about the PRISONS at the CONVENTIONS, shit MSM?

How come Wolfie ain't talking about that?

All in all, it was a bravura performance. Barring any major disruption in tomorrow's closing ceremony, Beijing should get the gold - literally. There was little in the millions of words and pixels emanating from the Olympics over these last two weeks that would lead anyone to think doing business with China requires unacceptable moral compromises.



Explain this: His mettle will still make the biggest impression

And this: Companies that counted on Phelps succeeding made out swimmingly

And this: Back at home, Sacramone gets a heroine's welcome

Yeah, that's what I thought!

Fuck you, you fucking agenda-pushing assholes!!!!!!!!


Of course, "The scallop roll is truth; truth, the scallop roll. That is all ye know in summer, and all ye need to know."
