Please see: 2008 Coolest For At Least Five Years
Arctic Ice Expanded 30% This Year
It's mind-boggling and more, readers; it is sad and dangerous. There is nothing but lies in my morning paper and the American people think they are getting "news."
BARROW, Alaska (AP) -- Rapidly melting ice on Alaska's Arctic is opening up a new navigable ocean in the extreme north, allowing oil tankers, fishing vessels and even cruise ships to venture into a realm once trolled mostly by indigenous hunters.
The Coast Guard expects so much traffic that it opened two temporary stations on the nation's northernmost waters, anticipating the day when an ocean the size of the contiguous United States could be ice-free for most of the summer.
Scientists say global warming has melted the polar sea ice each summer to half the size it was in the 1960s, opening vast stretches of water. Last year, it thawed to its lowest level on record.
These are out and out lies; if you click on the links at the top of the post you will see for yourself. I'm stunned and flabbergasted, folks. This is bad!!!