Sunday, August 17, 2008

Arctic Ice Expanding

This issue was one of the last of the agenda-pushing that I had bought into before I finally began to admit that yes, this issue was also part of a broader agenda. A lot of the 'information" was through courses in school, and I had no reason to suspect anything then.

We all know better now -- in all things.

"Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered

15 Aug 08 - “Just a few weeks ago, predictions of Arctic ice collapse were buzzing all over the internet. Some scientists were predicting that the "North Pole may be ice-free for first time this summer". Others predicted that the entire "polar ice cap would disappear this summer".

“The Arctic melt season is nearly done for this year. The sun is now very low above the horizon and will set for the winter at the North Pole in five weeks. And none of these dire predictions have come to pass. Yet there is, however, something odd going on with the ice data.

“The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado released an alarming graph on August 11, showing that Arctic ice was rapidly disappearing, back towards last year's record minimum. Their data shows Arctic sea ice extent only 10 per cent greater than this date in 2007, and the second lowest on record (see link below to view graphs).

However, a comparison of maps derived from NSIDC data shows that “Arctic ice extent was 30 per cent greater on August 11, 2008 than it was on the August 12, 2007. (2008 is a leap year, so the dates are offset by one.)

"... ice has grown in nearly every direction since last summer -
