Sunday, August 10, 2008

AP Slings S*** at Syria

I'm posting this to add to the litany of articles that expose the AP's obvious Zionist bias.

It is really sad that an allegedly esteemed news organization is such garbage.

"Syria denies IAEA a visit to bombed site" by Albert Aji and George Jahn, Associated Press | August 10, 2008

DAMASCUS, Syria - Syria yesterday declared a suspect site bombed by Israeli jets last year off limits to UN investigators looking into allegations that it was a secretly built atomic reactor.

Justifying the move, a Foreign Ministry official told reporters that its agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency - which already inspected the site in June - allowed only one visit. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to news media.

Does he even exist, or did the Zionist media make this up?

Never mind that the IAEA stated that it wasn't a weapons facility; Zio-press leaves that ambiguous for you, 'murkn shit-eater.

The United States alleges that the remote site was a near-finished plutonium-producing reactor built with North Korean help and that Syria is hiding linked facilities.

Yup, NO MENTION of ISRAEL, of course!

That's right, hang it all on the U.S. or the "West" like the Zio-press does with Iran.

Washington was circulating a note among members of the IAEA board opposing a Syrian push for a seat on the 35-nation board. The board normally works by consensus and a seat held by Syria could complicate any investigation into its alleged nuclear activities.

Syria fears a massive atomic agency investigation similar to the probe Iran has been subjected to more than five years.


Oh, look at this!! Syria "fears" a "massive... investigation."

Looks like the Zionist press is projecting Israeli fears again!

And if Iran has been subject to such a butt probe, how can they be hiding anything?

Isn't it nice how Zionist lies get in the way of each other?

Also see
: AP says: ‘New Lebanon Agreement Bad for Israel, Good for Al-Qaeda-Types’

It's official: AP is zio-propaganda central

AP says: "Iran has nukes"