All over a crock of f***ing lies!
"Children tortured before parents, raped, all covered up by Bush/Cheney and our media
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July 20, 2009 – Docudharma Simulposted at Daily Kos
Empathy is what keeps men from becoming MONSTERS. |
MinistryOfTruth :: Children tortured before parents, raped, all covered up by Bush/Cheney and our media |
They did it brazenly in front of other prisoners. Nothing but a sheet separated the sound of screaming and the torment of children.This is how you create your own insurgency. From this PDF obtained by The Washington Post I have transcribed a portion of an Iraqi detainees testimony to a Titan Corp translator detailing horror in Abu Gharib. I saw REDACTED fucking a kid, his age would be about 15 - 18 years. The kid was hurting very bad and they covered all the doors with sheets. Then when I heard the screaming I climbed the door because on top it wasn't covered, and I saw REDACTED who was in military uniform putting his dick in the little kids ass. The web address on that PDF is How long they have had this info and neglected to report on it I cannot guess. How much of a failure for our Democracy is it when the media covers up these war crimes, and instead gives us Dick and Liz Cheney to defend themselves and claim without opposition that these crimes were just fine and even necessary. This statement was made by Kasim Mehaddi Hilas, who abused by Charles Grainer at Abu Ghraib and witnessed many photos being taken by soldiers in Abu Gharib. Many of those photos, I believe, that detail violent rape and torture are among those the Obama Administration refuses to make public. Hilas, who was himself threatened with being sexually assaulted in Abu Graib, then describes in horrific detail how the soldier raped "the little kid". Why would we want to drag out the war in Iraq? Why would we fuel the insurgency by raping and abusing Iraqi's right in front of other Iraqi's? The Overtime, of course. If the job dries up, so does the money, and that makes military defense contractors cry. These horrors were covered up by Bush/Cheney and ignored by our lapdog corporate right wing press. This cover up has been aided by Republican and Democratic members of Congress. In my opinion nothing can save The Bush/Cheney Administration and their accomplices from justice, and the only thing that can save those members of Congress who knew of this is if they come clean NOW and aid any investigations in whatever way they can. Please, send an e-mail or call The White House, Attorney General Eric Holder and Congress. AG Holder is said to be strongly leaning towards naming a Special Prosecutor and Congress has an obligation to investigate Bush/Cheney's policies and illegal activities. Please act today and demand accountability for War Crimes. Contact information has been provided at the bottom of this diary. Who benefits from a prolonged invasion of Iraq? The military contractors who charged the U.S. Government whatever they felt like on their no-bid contracts, of course. That is cost plus, mind you. And how do we make the war go on and on and on? Through abuse, torture, alienation and the rape of the population. Instant insurgency. There are many reasons why, but to discount the random and often dubious kidnapping of Iraqis and Afghanis anywhere near a battlefield and their systematic abuse and torture, one would have to be a fool.
While General Hamid Zabar was being questioned in Iraq, his interrogators decided to arrest his frail 16-year-old son in order to produce a confession. After soldiers found the boy, he was stripped, drenched with mud and water, and exposed to the cold January night while bound and driven about in the open back of a truck. When presented naked to his father, he was shivering due to hypothermia, clearly needing medical attention. What better way to get someone to admit to anything, anything, no matter how false, than to make them endure the torture and suffering of their own children. After researching this diary, my attitude has changed. I say fuck these soldiers who committed these crimes. There should be NO IMMUNITY for those who were just "following orders". If they did this on their own they should be severely punished. If American soldiers were ordered to rape and torture may the Gods have mercy on us all. So, how do you manufacture an insurgency that justifies the need to "fight the war on terror there, instead of here"? How do you justify staying no matter how long to finish the job? Well, for starters, imprisoning, beating and raping a nations sons and daughters will do the trick. Imagine if these were Americas children. How would you react if this was your kids. You'd probably want revenge. From jailing children together with adults in prisons where they were raped to failing to notify their parents of their arrest, the U.S. committed numerous war crimes against children in Afghanistan and Iraq, a new book on President Bush states. The Bush Administration attempted to redefine the meaning of "child" by stating that a child by U.S. standards is 16 years old or younger, not the 18 years or younger mandate required by Geneva law. Much like the attempt to redefine "Prisoner of War" by calling captured people on or near battlefields as "enemy combatants", the Bush Administration insisted on making up the rules as they went along. Even then, by their own new standard of what is legal the Bush Administration was still acting outside even their own newest version of the law. According to Michael Hass at least 800 children between the ages of 10 and 15 years old were captured in Afghanistan, of which 64 were sent to Guantanamo bay. Haas notes that Protocol 1 of the 1977 Geneva Convention states "No Party to the conflict shall arrange for the evacuation of children, other than its own nationals, to a foreign country" unless written consent of the parents is obtained. Do we really need anymore reasons why we should have a full investigation that leads to the prosecution of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and anyone else involved in these horrific crimes against humanity? Please, contact The White House, Attorney General Eric Holder and Congress and demand justice for these crimes. When you call quote the worst examples in this diary. Our leaders and media can no longer be blind to these crimes. You can contact Attorney General Eric Holder and demand accountability here BY MAIL You can Contact President Barack Obama's White House to demand accountability here CALL The White House at 202-456-1111 and E-Mail the WH here Tell the Democratic House of Representatives Leadership that you support H.Res 383 and want open public investigations of Bush/Cheney.
Contact House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer [D-MD5] by E-Mail here Contact House Majority Whip James Clyburn [D-SC6] by E-Mail here Contact H.Res 383 Sponsor Representative Barbara Lee [D-CA9] by E-Mail here Contact House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. John Conyers by E-mail here You have the power to demand justice. You and you alone can influence our Democratic Leaders in the Executive and Legislative branches to do what is right. True patriotism is not always saying yes. It is not merely moving forward. It is knowing when you must put your foot down and say ENOUGH. That time is long overdue. ![]() ![]() |