by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

All this was inspired by the principle--which is quite true in itself--that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. --Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, MA, 1971, pgs. 231, 232There was no airliner wreckage at the Pentagon --we were told --because a 757 airliner body 'vaporized' in the intense heat. Nevertheless, forensics experts claimed a 97 percent success rate identifying victims using DNA. Now --DNA is very fragile! The heat required to 'vaporize' an aluminum airliner body --some 11,000 degrees F --would have utterly destroyed testable DNA.
The Bushco liars cannot have it both ways. If Bush were telling the truth about the airliner, then the casualty IDs are impossible. Bushco cannot claim to have ID'd victims and --at the same time --explain away the missing airliner wreckage by claiming it was victim to an extreme heat of mysterious, unknown origin.Extreme Heat of Unknown Origins?So effective are Hitler's 'Big Lie' techniques for Bush that millions swallowed the lie despite the fatal contradictions! Millions dared not conclude that a fire of 11,000 degrees F --sufficient to 'vaporize' aluminum --would likewise destroy the fragile DNA upon which the identification of victims was absolutely dependent! Either the airliner vaporized or the victims were identified --but not both!
We were expected to believe that heat sufficient to vaporize an airliner body left intact enough fragile DNA to make possible the identification of 97 percent of victims. If this were true, the age of miracles is not over. That this ludicrous lie --laughable were it not so tragic in its consequences --gained currency for even a second is proof that the American educational system is a colossal failure. Texas, which recently beat Mississippi in a race to dead last in the percentage graduating high school, is the specimen to be studied, the example to be avoided. Apparently, logic is no longer taught in Texas. Yee-haw!
Either the fire was not hot enough and the IDs are correct or Bushco is left to explain the presence of an almost unbelievable and mysterious source of heat. That Bush is still free, un-indicted for the capital crimes of mass murder and high treason, proves Hitler to have been correct. The bigger the lie the less likely it is to be questioned, the more likely that the 'perp' will get away with cold-blooded murder for political reasons and the enrichment of a base of filthy rich, elite fat cats.

Certainly --a mere kerosene fire could not have melted the steel at WTC, NY but 11,000 degrees F is required to vaporize aluminum. Certainly, the dinky, un-impressive Pentagon fires left open books in adjacent offices flapping in the breeze. The axis of GOP/Bush has a problem: how to explain the fatal contradiction, how to hide the truth, how to distract the idiot masses, the poor unwashed, every child that was, in fact, left behind but not before they were exploited for votes!
The Pentagon fires could not and did not -- in fact --vaporize anything on 911. If there had been such intense heat, it begs the question: what is the source of alleged temperatures in excess of 11,000 degrees F? A violation of Occam's Razor, it is a big problem for the crooks, liars and idiots in office. 911: A Day of GOP Miracles and Suspensions of the Laws of Physics Mysteriously, the remains of alleged hijackers were separated from the remains of Pentagon employees! How was this miracle achieved? Indeed, none of them were ID'd and none of them appeared on the official autopsy list released to Dr. Olmsted in response to his FOIA request. If Bushco's theory were true, there would have been no DNA to test because no DNA would have survived the 11,000 degree F temperatures required to 'vaporize' an aluminum 757 body. The best explanation --of course --is that there was no airliner and no airliner body. But the GOP cannot seize power with either science or logic. The question is not whether Bush lied! The question is, rather, which lie does he expect you to believe today, this week, this month?
DNA is often said to decompose when heated but, in fact, the effect may be even worse: it literally melts. As heat is applied, bonds that join the two nucleotide strands may break.
The two molecules [nucleotides] are stabilized in this structure due to noncovalent bonds, mostly hydrogen bonds and vanderWaals forces. These bonds are not strong; accordingly, when the temperature rises sufficiently, the double helix is said to "melt" into its two component molecules, and will reassociate upon slow cooling under appropriate salt conditions. So, the issue is not decomposition so much as disassociation upon exposure to too high a temperature; and the reason for the disassociation is that the energy input of the heat overcomes the ability of the noncovalent bonds to keep the molecules together. .--US Energy Department, Molecular Biology Archive, DNA DecompositionTake the case of Flight 93. Saeed Alghamdi has been protesting his innocence of 911 since the event. If Saeed were guilty, he would be dead! If Saeed were guilty he would have been blown to smithereens over PA. Alive, he is proof --living proof --that Bush's official conspiracy theory is a pack of black hearted lies that have harmed the American people, the world and, most certainly, the cause of peace. FBI Director Robert Mueller had said that there was no evidence to connect the 'said' 19 'hijackers' with the events of 911. His statement alone should have been sufficient cause to re-open a case involving one of the most heinous, cruel atrocities in human history. And there is STILL no evidence to connect ANY 'Arab hijackers' with the crime of mass murder called '911'.

It has been my experience that only those who are guilty of crimes bother to cover them up and lie about them. When Nixon tried to cover up Watergate, he infamously said: "I am not a crook!" But Nixon was a crook and we all knew it.
Reagan lied about Iran/Contra but the concluding statement of Special Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh left no doubt that Reagan, he believed, was complicit in an act of high treason --'directing' the arming of an avowed and declared enemy of the United States: Iran.
The Iran/contra investigation will not end the kind of abuse of power that it addressed any more than the Watergate investigation did. The criminality in both affairs did not arise primarily out of ordinary venality or greed, although some of those charged were driven by both. Instead, the crimes committed in Iran/contra were motivated by the desire of persons in high office to pursue controversial policies and goals even when the pursuit of those policies and goals was inhibited or restricted by executive orders, statutes or the constitutional system of checks and balances.The tone in Iran/contra was set by President Reagan. He directed that the contras be supported, despite a ban on contra aid imposed on him by Congress. And he was willing to trade arms to Iran for the release of Americans held hostage in the Middle East, even if doing so was contrary to the nation's stated policy and possibly in violation of the law. --Lawrence Walsh, Concluding Observations, FINAL REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT COUNSEL FOR IRAN/CONTRA MATTERSDemonized for years, had Iran suddenly become so cozy with Reagan-heads that it was now OK to arm them? It was a treasonous money-laundering scheme in which Reaganheads funneled the profits to an insurrection in South America --the Contras! Reagan was a crook too.
Amid speculation that Vice-president George Bush and numerous other members of the Reagan cabal were involved, Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh investigated the affair over a period of some eight years. Fourteen people were charged, some with 'operational involvement, other with participating in the "cover-up". Oliver North's conviction was overturned but only upon a 'technicality'. It was left to Bush Sr to let six 'suspects' off the hook with pardons. One of them was Robert McFarlane who had already been convicted. Thanks to a Bush, Caspar Weinberger beat the rap. He didn't even stand trial
More recently, it is the administration of Bush Jr which actively suppressed evidence and quashed every investigation of 911. Bush and Condoleeza lied when they said that the crashing of airliners into buildings could not have been foreseen. In fact, it was precisely that 'scenario' that was the basis for security when Bush attended the G8 Summit in Italy, July 23, 2001 [See: "Italy: Bush Targeted at G8." New York Newsday 19 Sept 2001, unsigned; "Extremists 'Planned Genoa Attack on Bush'", BBC News, 27 Sept 2001]Flight 77 Did Not Crash into the Pentagon!Every Bush lie with regard to every facet of 911 can be exposed easily enough. But it is the Pentagon that is most obviously a bald faced lie. No airliner whatsoever crashed into the Pentagon. Bush's theory has been utterly disproven, utterly debunked. In the meantime, I submit to you a much better suspect: the US Global Hawk. The Global Hawk was, in fact, flown --without a pilot --from California to Australia entirely by remote control. No box cutters, no Arab hijackers were required! It was all computerized from take off to landing.The Global Hawk, moreover, would have had no problems with the maneuver credited to Hanjour but which experienced pilots say is impossible in a 757. The ONLY engine rotor found at the Pentagon --about one third the size of a the huge titanium/alloy rotors found in a 757 --certainly came from a GLOBAL HAWK.

The cover-up of 911 consisted largely of the overt destruction of forensic evidence. It followed an obvious pattern. Physical, forensic evidence was ordered removed and destroyed and was, in fact, never seen again. Other evidence, photographs, video footage, and various once-public documents presumably beyond the reach of complicit officials, was suppressed. I consider the overt destruction of evidence to be 'evidence' of guilt. Certainly --innocent people have no interest in the suppression of evidence in any case whether it be petty theft or mass murder/high treason. Those guilty of crimes have a lot 'riding' on whether or not the evidence proving their guilt is found. Only the guilty are sufficiently motivated to willfully destroy evidence.
'Concerted programs' to remove evidence were largely successful at ground zero in Manhattan, the Pentagon, and the so-called debris fields of Flight 93 in Pennsylvania. Much evidence was removed from Ground Zero even before a massive "steel removal operation" was begun.
It is significant that these instances of obstruction of justice and the criminal destruction of evidence was done after the scenes in question had been sealed off and put under the control the Bush administration. Only the Bush administration had an 'interest' (legal sense of the term) in silencing the truth and obstructing the course of justice. Obstruction of justice is a serious crime, a felony.
Had a 757 crashed the Pentagon there would have been no need to order decontamination procedures that were, in fact, carried out. No such procedures were carried out in New York. Clearly, 'officials' knew at the time that a civilian airliner had not crashed the Pentagon. That decontamination procedures were ordered and, in fact, carried out is evidence that it was not an ordinary commercial airliner that crashed into the Pentagon. If airliners have begun emitting deadly radiation, I strongly suggest you stop flying.AFTER 911, the BBC interviewed several of the ALLEGED hijackers, 'dead men' according to Bushco. The Washington Post reported that Hanjour was not on Flt 77 because he did not have a ticket. It is hard to imagine short, skinny Hanjour forcing his way on board, overpowering the Captain and crew, and having done so, taking over the controls with force and a mere box cutter!
As I recall, the BBC interviewed at least one of Hanjour's alleged Flight 77 partners --after 911! Dead men --we are expected to believe --give interviews. In fact, there is no verifiable evidence of any sort to support Bush's absurd lie. There are no Arab names whatsoever on the only official document of Flight 77 passengers: the autopsy report that was released to Dr. Olmsted in response to his FOIA request. The official conspiracy theory of 911 is more full of holes than Swiss cheese. Among the biggest HOLES are these having to do with the Pentagon:
- NTSB data -Flight 77 never dropped below 273 feet [Source: Pilots for 911 Truth, FOIA request]
- NO WRECKAGE traceable to a 757 was EVER recovered.
- The ONLY engine rotors SURVIVING, 'officialists' say, WERE VAPORIZED. That's a lie! The rotors are made of titanium/steel alloy in order to survive the extreme interior heat of jet engines.
- Just one rotor was found; it was about ONE THIRD the size of a 757 rotor. I believe it was the Rolls rotor from the Rolls engine that is found inside the Global Hawk. A Rolls spokesman is on record as having said that the only rotor found at the Pentagon was not from a 757.
- Those who lie about crimes do so to cover up guilt. Bush has never told the truth about 911.
- Bush has not merely lied; he has actively, consistently and deliberately tried to cover up the crime of 911 with overt and identifiable instances of obstruction of justice, lies, and overt intimidation. This --I believe --is persuasive evidence of his guilt and/or complicity.
The space shuttle broke apart in the stratosphere at six times the speed of sound and left identifiable wreckage and identifiable body parts strewn over three states. Wreckage was gathered, investigated and a plausible cause for the disaster addressed. Why was not that professionalism seen with regard to 911?
The answer to that question is this: the truth would have INDICTED half or more of his administration of the crimes of mass murder and high treason! The US would have witnessed a mass hanging not seen since the Civil War.Would someone please indict these criminals before they kill again?While there is absolutely no valid or convincing evidence to support Bush's conspiracy theory, there is some cause for optimism. A growing public awareness of this fraud may yet reach critical mass and may yet result in mass murder indictments against the Bush gang of murderous thugs.
67% (Zogby International) of Americans blame the 9/11 Commission for not investigating the Bush crimes called '911'. At the time of the poll, a large majority of Americans wanted a Congressional investigation of Bush and Cheney, specifically their actions during and after the attacks. Zogby Poll: 51% of Americans Want Congress to Probe Bush/Cheney Regarding 9/11 Attacks; Over 30% Seek Immediate Impeachment 67% also fault 9/11 Commission for not investigating anomalous collapse of World Trade Center 7 Kansas City, MO (Zogby International) September 6, 2007 - As America nears the sixth anniversary of the world-churning events of September 11, 2001, a new Zogby International poll finds a majority of Americans still await a Congressional investigation of President Bush' and Vice President Cheney's actions before, during and after the 9/11 attacks. Over 30% also believe Bush and/or Cheney should be immediately impeached by the House of Representatives.--911 Truth.orgFor the following video, a hat tip to an assiduous, stalwart seeker of truth, Damien.