I doubt they will; more likely, they will grant asylum.
The Thais put America to shame; we could learn so much from them.

Anti-government protesters celebrated inside the government house in Bangkok yesterday when a Thai court found former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra (left) guilty of corruption and sentenced him to two years in prison, further deepening the country's paralyzing political crisis (Sakchai Lalit/Associated Press)
"Former Thailand premier convicted; Step may mean longer stalemate" by Ravi Nessman, Associated Press | October 22, 2008
BANGKOK - Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was convicted of corruption yesterday and sentenced to two years in prison, a ruling that may embolden antigovernment protesters and prolong a stalemate that has paralyzed Thailand's government.
The stalemate the MSM refers to is the ENTIRE SOCIETY against the CROOKS at the TOP!!! That's why the COURT CONVICTED him, and why the military won't back up his brother-in-law!
Prosecutors said they would try to extradite the former telecommunications tycoon from exile in Britain. His brother-in-law, Somchai Wongsawat, is the current prime minister and has been the target of ongoing demonstrations by protesters who have branded him a Thaksin puppet.
Thaksin, 59, had earlier fled to Britain in the face of almost certain conviction. Speaking by telephone from his home near London he said he planned to remain in Britain.
Thousands of anti-Thaksin demonstrators erupted in cheers at hearing the verdict in the protest camp they set up almost two months ago on the premises of the prime minister's office.
"Go to jail, go to jail!" they chanted.
See that, America? Where are you?
But it was unclear whether Thaksin would serve jail time. Seksan Bangsomboon, a prosecutor handling the case, said officials were planning to ask the British government to extradite Thaksin. Britain's Home Office would not comment on whether an extradition request had been received.
Extradition across borders is usually a lengthy and complicated process, and many countries are reluctant to approve it in cases where there may be reason to believe that politics played a part in the legal proceedings. --more--"Except when the U.S. demands bin-Laden from the Afghanis. etc.