Notice the date of the photograph meant to tug on your heart strings and convert you to the cult.

A polar bear walked in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in this 2003 photo. Global warming has had a negative effect on the animal's habitat, melting the frozen Arctic Ocean. (Subhankar Banerjee/Associated Press)
Now look. I love animals and bears as much as the next guy because I LOVE ALL LIFE!!!!!!
Also see: Polar bears and dogs playing
Elephant Paints Self Portrait
Please see: Global Warming a Natural Occurrence
The Expanding Arctic Ice Sheet?
Global Cooling?
Global Warming = Longer Colder Winters
Global Warming and MSM Censorship
Polar Bear Heart Pull
The Magical Polar Bear
Have the propagandists ever gotten the AmeriKan people to swallow this steaming stinker!!!
Yeah, forget about that brutally cold winter and record snow fall; it's HOT now!!!
Please, WAKE UP to the LYING!!!!!!
Oh, and did you know Alaska is against polar bears? Mm-hmm. They are.
"Thaw in Arctic ice could spur inland warming, study finds; Melting may signal trouble for ecosystems" by Deborah Zabarenko, Reuters | June 11, 2008
If? Never good to start with that one; I remember that from the writing courses in college. It's gonna be all downhill from here I'll bet!
Arctic sea ice starts melting fast, polar bears and ring seals wouldn't be the only creatures to feel it: A study released yesterday suggests that it could spur warmer temperatures hundreds of miles inland.
They just never stop, do they?
Yup, 'murkns got their teeth in this steamer, so... why not sell the shit for all its worth, 'eh, agenda-pushing pukes?
Of course, that's IF...
That means a possible thaw in the long-frozen soil known as permafrost, which in turn could have severe effects on ecosystems, human infrastructure like oil rigs and pipelines, and the release of more global warming greenhouse gases in Russia, Alaska, and Canada, the scientists said.
Here's my contribution to the problem:
One HOT FART MIST COMING UP.... Pffffffffffttttttt!!!
My problem is the evidence in my links above refutes this crap. The polar bear population is coming back, and the ice sheets are expanding.
Readers, if they lie on this one, I mean, come on... and THEY ARE LYING!!!
It is ANOTHER AGENDA-PUSH posing as news and it is hurting my truth-seeking soul!
The study is particularly pertinent because of last year's record melt of Arctic sea ice, when ice cover in the Arctic Sea shrank to 30 percent below average. Another record melt is forecast for this year but it is unknown whether this is the beginning of a trend.
Sigh. What more is there to say, really?
Imagining how someone could be so misinformed by such garbage (me only a year or so ago, sob!) hurts my heart, readers.
The Expanding Arctic Ice Sheet?
"Our climate model suggests that rapid ice loss is not necessarily a surprise," said David Lawrence of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, an author of the study.
Yeah, why would it be?
Shoveling shit propaganda will get you far (Exhibit A: Iraq).
"When you get certain conditions in the Arctic - thin ice, a lot of first-year ice (as opposed to older, sturdier ice) - that you can get a situation where . . . you get a rapid and steady loss over a period of five to 10 years," Lawrence said by telephone from Colorado.
Huh? Excuse me? FIRST-YEAR ICE?!
Must be part of that EXPANDING SHEET, huh?
Readers, aaaaaaaaaaaaAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!
In such a period of rapid ice loss, autumn temperatures along the Arctic coasts of Russia, Alaska, and Canada could rise by as much as 9 degrees, the study's climate model found.
That's headed straight for the crapper, that model!!!
Last year's temperatures from August to October over land in the western Arctic were also unusually warm, more than 4 degrees above the average temperatures for 1978-2006, raising questions about the relationship between shrinking sea ice and warmer land temperatures.
So you liars say. And even if it is true, the planet is warming because the SUN is GETTING HOTTER.
Otherwise, tell me why Mars' ice caps are melting; you gonna tell me they are driving a lot of cars over there?
The effects of melting are already evident in parts of Alaska, the scientists said: As pockets of soil collapse as the ice it contains melts, highways buckle, houses are destabilized, and trees tilt crazily in a phenomenon known as "drunken forests" when the earth beneath them gives way.
"There's an interconnectedness about the Arctic," Lawrence said.
"When sea ice retreats and retreats very rapidly, it impacts other parts of the system, like warming temperatures over land. And warming temperatures over land can also accelerate the degradation of permafrost, particularly permafrost that's warm right now."
Well, you know, that means we can get in there and get ALL THAT OIL and GAS that was UNDER THAT ICE EASIER to GET AT, huh ($$$$$$)?
So, WHAT'S da PROBLEMO, 'eh?
The research will be published Friday in the journal Geophysical Research Letters."