Thursday, June 26, 2008

Global Warming Debate Over


"current climate models may need adjusting... difficulties in trying to predict future temperature changes"

Hey, I got something for you, cultist crowd!


There's some HOT FART MIST for you!!!!

"Greenhouse gas depletion underestimated" by Michael Kahn, Reuters | June 26, 2008

LONDON - Sea spray and microscopic plants from the tropical Atlantic are destroying greenhouse gases in the lower atmosphere at a faster pace than scientists had thought, British researchers said yesterday.

The findings, published in the journal Nature, not only mean that current climate models may need adjusting, but they also underscore the difficulties in trying to predict future temperature changes, the researchers said.


Well, that makes sense since this has been a CHILLY JUNE after this winter's RECORD COLD!

Of course, the papers either never tell you that, completely lie about it thinking we've forgotten, or just slip the truth in the middle of a paragraph somewhere!

Sick of the s*** liars, can you tell?

Also see: Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling

"The only stations reporting higher temperatures are the ones set up in the exhaust from air conditioners and next to trash incinerators." -- Mike Rivero of

Pffft (blog author just shaking his head)!

Also see
: Global Warming a Natural Occurrence

The Expanding Arctic Ice Sheet?

Global Cooling?

Global Warming = Longer Colder Winters

Global Warming and MSM Censorship