Monday, June 30, 2008

Shooting Himself in the Head

I know he's well-meaning, etc, but now he is blaming America?

How about looking at YOUR OWN CRAP PAPER first, huh?

You know, the one that SOLD US all these LIES to begin with and now COVERS THEM UP!

And they STILL LIE every day!

"A blind eye on soldiers' suicides" by James Carroll | June 30, 2008
Also see: Blinded By the Hot Fart Mist

SUPPORT THE troops" is an American lie. This nation is grievously and knowingly failing the young men and women who wear the uniform of its military services, and nothing demonstrates that more powerfully than the suicides of soldiers.

As America has steadily averted its gaze from the actualities of its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, so, too, has the nation refused to look at what is happening to those it sends to fight.


SPEAK for YOURSELF, shitter!!!!

WTF do you think I'm DOING HERE, liberal stink shit?

Also see:

Occupation Iraq: Hiding a War

Surprise!: Boston Globe Discovers Anti-War Protests

Story Iraq: U.S. Lying About True American Death Toll

Yeah, THOSE of us who CARED have KNOWN FOR A LONG TIME!!

And SCREW that SHIT SHEET you work for, Carroll!!!!

The war in Iraq, in particular, is an exercise in the obliteration of meaning. The war's essence is its lack of essence. The war's catch-22 is that its stated goal is social order, while the American presence itself creates disorder. Our troops know this. They arrive in the war zone with every intention of protecting an innocent population from the enemy, only to discover that the enemy and the population are indistinguishable. "Insurgents" often turn out to be, not ideologues, much less "terrorists," but only cousins of those already killed. Victims and victimizers are alike.

And murderers and their victims, Jim?

Suspicion is ubiquitous. No one trusts Americans.

But, but, but, but... WE LIBERATED THEM!

Such contradictions make the war controversial in the United States, but in Iraq they make the soldiers' situation intolerable.

Then LET'S LEAVE NOW, huh?

Whatever ethnic fevers grip Iraqis, for example, American soldiers know, if only unconsciously, that the passion for nationhood on which 19th- and 20th-century wars depended is being undercut by the global citizenship of the 21st century.

Yeah, nothing like throwing in a little RACISM, huh?

Yup, good thing Amurkns never get ETHNIC, huh?

And look at the LEFTY toss in a GOOD WORD for GLOBALISM!

Gotcha, Jim! Nice AGENDA-PUSH, sir!!!

Not since Earth was seen whole from the moon is nationalism what it was. Even more transforming, faith in technological violence as an instrument of justice is being undercut by the catastrophic planetary outcome that can already be anticipated if technological violence is not curbed. The human naiveté that uses violence in the name of ending violence can no longer be sustained. For Americans plunged into the heart of this contradiction, the unbridled violence of their own nation points to the suicide of the very species.

So why does the paper you work for keep beating the war drums on Iran, man?!!!!!!

But for American soldiers, it is more personal even than that. For meaning's sake, their purpose has been defined around loyalty. Unit cohesion is the absolute virtue. Thus our soldiers prepare to die not for Iraq, nor even for America, but for one another. "I've got your back," they promise. In combat, such commitment is often heroically fulfilled, but, alas, once the bureaucracy replaces the buddy, loyalty, too, is found to be a lie. Harsh to say, but the American military cares nothing for the individuals who comprise it, only for the mission those individuals, in formation, can accomplish.

Well, the TRUTH is HARSH, isn't it?



Hence the shameful exploitation of troops in disabling redeployments, and the resulting abuse of their families. Hence the nation's abandonment of those, who, upon discharge, find no unit, no cohesion, and their backs against the wall. Support the troops? On your bumper.


Because "Support the Troops" was ALWAYS JINGOISM for SUPPORT BUSH'S WARS!

Because HE and HIS GOVERNMENT DON'T Support the Troops -- not once they have come home!!!!!
