Monday, June 16, 2008

I Lied

I feel like an addict. The sleeping schedule right now just lends itself to the whole phenomena. Coffee is my one beverage/meal before evening, and I got sucked in again.

That's the DIFFERENCE between where you are now and what you will find in the newspapers I read. I ADMIT IT when I LIE to you, readers, and MY LIES are SMALL ONES -- oooooh, I bought a paper for three-bits.

I DID NOT order up a war that has massacred over ONE MILLION PEOPLE -- and is now being HIDDEN by the LYING MSM papers that brought it to you (as I prove every day).

I'm not part of the EVIL CABAL surrounding the false-flag operation of 9/11, either, which has been the premise for the stripping of freedom and the outlining blueprint for the tyranny of this group of sick individuals who, for lack of a more precise, definitive term shall be called Globalists.

Hell, I CONDEMN the WAR CRIMINALS for TORTURE on the most surreal premises imaginable. Torturing PATSIES!!!!

And I'll tell you, if they some how turn out the dead man from his grave in the next six months -- and
you know who I am talking about -- well, that will cinch the old bullshit-o-meter for the AmeriKan MSM.

So I'm back in a somewhat different form today.

EAT SHIT, MSM. You guys sure shovel enough at us!