Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Truth Shall Make You Free

"Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Mike Rivero
9th February, 2009 - 21:14

You may not really KNOW what happened there. That is the point.

When you go to Auschwitz you see the crematorium and your head may fill with sick feelings over what you have been told happened there, because that is the goal of telling you. But that crematorium was not built until AFTER WW2, by the Russians, not the Germans, to deal with the typhus epidemic.

Likewise, the room shown to you as the gas chamber is also a post-wear construction, or "reconstruction". In other words, nothing actually happened in that exact room.

History is full of lies told by rulers to their people to trick them into doing that the rulers wanted them to do.

Ramses the Great lied to his own people when he claimed to have won the battle against the Hittites at Kadesh. Ramses' propaganda, thousands of years old, is still carved into the temples of Egypt; visible proof that rulers have lied to their people for thousands of years. Non-stop.

Following Constantine’s death, a document appeared in which Constantine purportedly donated the imperial regalia of Rome to the church, with the request that it be “loaned” to all future rulers of the Roman Empire. From that day on, the loan took the form of the ritual of coronation, in which the holy oil of anointment created the king, rather than conquest or the bloodline. Coronation added the imprimatur of God’s will to the legitimacy of the monarch, and as an inevitable corollary, nobody could ascend to the throne without the permission and blessing of the church.

Except …

Constantine had not been informed ahead of time of his own coronation and by all accounts was rather shocked and angered by the church’s brazen attempt to portray his civil authority as a gift of their religion. As for the donation of Constantine, which literally reshaped the political history of Europe for half a millennium, it was a forgery, most likely written within the Papal offices, to steal for the church the “right” to declare who would or would not be kings of Europe.

In the 1130s, the Turkish Empire under the leadership of Imad ad-din Zengi began to encroach on the Crusader Kingdoms of the Holy Land. Most Crusaders considered their vows fulfilled and had already returned to Europe, leaving the Pilgrim road from Jaffa to Jerusalem under the guard of the newly emergent Knights Templar. The Knights Templar, although able to guard a road, were insufficient a force to hold off an entire invasion, and in 1145, Hugh, Bishop of Jabala, was sent to meet the newly enthroned Pope Blessed Eugene III to ask for help. Pope Eugene, far less bloodthirsty than his predecessors, balked at a new and costly crusade so soon after the last one. Hugh told Pope that a new crusade to preserve Christian dominion over the Holy Lands would be easy and cheap, because somewhere far to the east of the Holy Lands was the Kingdom of Prester John. Prester (or Presbyter) John was a Christian King; a direct descendant of one of the Magi who had visited the infant Jesus, and reportedly whose kingdom was wealthy and peaceful. According to Hugh, Prester John was committed to preserving Christian rule over the Holy Lands, and awaited only a sign of equal commitment from the armies of Europe.

Rumors of the impending intervention of Prester John bolstered the courage of the Christians of the Crusader Kingdoms and of Europe, and based in part on the promise of Prester John as an ally, Pope Eugene launched the Second Holy Crusade, led by Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany.

But Prester John did not show up as promised. The Second Crusade ended in the rout of the Crusader armies at Damascus, and the Christians found themselves holding less of the Holy Lands.

In 1165, just as the situation in the Holy Lands began to deteriorate further, a letter began to circulate around Europe purportedly from Prester John. The letter again promised support for the Christian armies of Europe. The letter included descriptions of the wonders of Prester John’s kingdom. The letter was so popular it was copied far and wide, and portions of it set to music!

But again, Prester John did not show up when promised, and in 1187 Jerusalem fell to Saladin. This prompted the start of the Third Crusade. Once again, rumors of Prester John’s armies attacking the Muslims from the East bolstered the invading forces.

Except …

Prester John was the invention of the church; a propaganda device to trick Europeans to join a war in which they were clearly outnumbered by the opposing force. As Marco Polo and other travelers brought tales of the Orient back to Europe in the 13th century, church leaders grew alarmed as Christians learned of powerful and advanced civilizations to the east that existed without any awareness of Christianity. Following a brief period when the Dominicans unsuccessfully denounced Marco Polo‘s writings as heresy and fraud, the church again revived the legends of Prester John to prove that Christianity did rule in the far east. Highly fanciful maps were produced of just where Prester John’s kingdom would be found.

The legends of Prester John persisted from the 12th to the 17th centuries even though John himself obviously could not have lived that long. Numerous expeditions to find the Kingdom of Prester John were mounted, all without success. As the map of Asia became filled in accurately with no sign of the fabled Christian Kingdom, the legend was altered to claim that Prester John’s Kingdom was actually in Ethiopia, then as the African map started to fill in, further south in “Darkest Africa.” The realm of Prester John eventually became one of the fabled “Lost Kingdoms of Africa” that lured explorers into the Congo, often to their deaths.

As for the letter purportedly from Prester John; like the Donation of Constantine it was a clever forgery. In its original version it was apparently derived mostly from Otto von Freisingen’s historical account of the story told by Hugh, Bishop of Jabala to Pope Eugene. The story of Prester John’s palace was actually a description of the palace of St. Thomas the Apostle. As the letter was recopied through the centuries, the stories it contained grew ever more fanciful, filled with strange and wonderful creatures and amazing feats of magic and science. In the 18th century these stories of the land of Prester John were revived as part of the tales of Baron Munchausen. In 1988, the stories of the land of Prester John again surfaced in Terry Gilliam’s film, “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen.”

The motto here is: A really big chunk of Bovine Excrement can last a long time, and there may even be a movie deal in it!

You don't really know what happened in those Nazi camps. Only what you have been told. Only what has been portrayed in books, movies, and TV. Does Star Wars mean there really is a Luke Skywalker out there battling Darth Vader? Does a comic book prove Batman is a real person?

Look at books like "Angel at the Fence: The True Story of a Love that Survived,", "Fragments", “Misha: A Memoir of the Holocaust Years”, "The Painted Bird", “The Hitler Diaries”; all are admitted hoaxes. Elie Weisel's "Night" is suspect, and even the much venerated "Diary of Anne Frank" has come under suspicion for a wide variety of reasons, not the least of which is that a professional writer, Meyer Levin, successfully sued Anne Frank's father for $50,000 owed to him for ghost writing the memoir!

Yes, many people died at Auschwitz, mostly from the typhus epidemics that swept Germany at the end of the war. Auschwitz itself keeps revising the number of dead downward. The International Red Cross had permanent offices in those camps (a courtesy they were NOT accorded at Guantanamo) and they kept careful records. They recorded many deaths from illness and accident in the Nazi camps (271,000), but no intentional mass exterminations. Really, why would the Red Cross lie to protect Hitler?

You are lied to in order to control you. You have been fed a story about a genocide in the first half of the last century to prevent you from criticizing the genocides taking place right before your eyes today. You are lied to in order to extract money from you. You are lied to to keep you silent when you should speak out.

You are enslaved by your beliefs, and you will never be free until you find the truth for yourself.

Michael Rivero
What Really Happened


More truth:

"Jews tell Vatican: Holocaust denial is a crime World Jewish leaders told Vatican officials that denying the Holocaust was "not an opinion but a crime" when they met on Monday to discuss a bishop they accuse of being anti-Semitic.


Holocaust denial is only a crime because the defenders of the orthodoxy are so terrified of an honest and open examination of the issue.

Throughout history, all hoaxes were perpetrated int the context of their own times; what the hoaxer could get away with. When Ramses The Great lied to his people about the battle of Kadesh he did so because in his time, few if any Egyptians had the means to travel to Kadesh (which actually remained under Hittite control) and find out for themselves what happened, and those few Egyptians who did know the truth had no means to get the word out to their fellow Egyptians, who were being brainwashed by the carvings on the temple walls.

But today, because of the ease of travel, and the internet, it is common knowledge that Ramses was male-cow-manuring his own people.

Over the years, many of the claims made regarding the horrors of the Nazi slave labor camps have come under re-examination as new technology becomes available.

As one example, there were claims that the Nazis were making soap out of the dead bodies of their Jewish victims. When the story first surfaced in 1943 as part of a fund raising tour by Russian Jews seeking aid to rebuild Russia, there was no way to verify it. As new science and technology came along, surviving bars of soap were tested and found that far from being made from the fat of human victims, the soap was a typical wartime soap made with very little fat at all. Later DNA tests showed the fat was not from humans, but from pigs (a serious embarrassment to those who had buried bars of the soap in Jewish graveyards).

Then there was the story about the human skin lampshades. This story went that the wife of a camp commandant obtained the skin from the camp's victims and used it as a crafts material for lampshades, gloves, and so forth. Again, at the time there was no way to verify the story. But as science developed new methods, the lampshades and gloves were found to be made of goatskin, a common craft material of the time.

The there were the claims of mass graves at Treblinka. Over 800,000 victims of the Nazis were claimed to have been buried there. But one of the grave sites abuts a water well, and when testing of the water failed to detect any of the contamination which would result from burying thousands of bodies near a water well (the water should have been lethal to drink), the story was revised to claim that as war's end, the Nazis had dug all those 800,000 bodies up and cremated them to conceal the evidence of their crimes. Again, as science progressed this story came into doubt as there was no trace of the vast amount of combustion residues which would have permeated the site of such a huge fire. And finally, ground penetrating radar, which certainly did not exist back when this story was first told, proves that the area where the graves are supposed to have existed has never been disturbed. The strata remains as it was laid down by the glaciers during the last great ice age.

Time makes ancient truth uncouth, and as new science comes along it is the normal practice to apply that science to the world to refine, and in some cases revise, what we know of our history. New technologies are being applied to the wreck of the Titanic, to determine what role the quality of metal played in the disaster, as one example. Seeking to know more about what we know is a natural instinct for humans.

Except, of course, in this one area of history. And it is the sheer weight of political force brought to bear to silence those who ask questions which most advertises that there is something being hidden from us all.

There is nothing that is beyond re-examination using new technologies. There is nothing above question. That we only just now learn that Tutankhamen had an impacted wisdom tooth does not bring about the end of Egypt. It's just scholarship. Even the much venerated Shroud of Turin has been subject to re-examination by science. The results were not as hoped for, but for those who hold truth to be the most valuable commodity we have, the outcome was still positive; we know more today than we knew yesterday.

Frankly, as we watch the political bludgeoning of Bishop Williamson by the defenders of the orthodox account of WW2 it becomes obvious that they are afraid, intensely afraid, which means they KNOW they defend a story which, like Ramses tale of victory over the Hittites, will not survive objective re-examination. Every act, whether it is the jailings of Zundel and Rudolph, the wrecking of academic careers, and now the imposition of Jewish religious will over the Vatican; each and every action is an advertisement that here is a question that cannot be allowed to be asked.

We do not arrest people who think Elvis is still alive. We do not send people who claim to have seen Bigfoot to jail. We do not wreck the careers and finances of those who claim they had sex with little green critters on board a UFO. Only on this one topic is refusal to conform to the 'revealed wisdom' so fraught with peril!

Look at where all the cover-ups overlap. Look for that most protected point. Look for that focus where even bitter enemies come together to conceal, and there you will find lurking the greatest lie of modern times; as great a lie as when the Pharaoh of Egypt claimed to have won a war against the Hittites.

Let the truth be told, though the heavens may fall.

-- What Really Happened

I must admit, is that the HOLOHOAX™ lie was one of the most crushing and difficult to absorb.

Having been raised in a Zionist-controlled society, the thought was nearly impossible: the Jews lied? The first thing that raised alarm bells was the discrepancy in the numbers. Then there was the replacing of the plaque and so much more. The lack of mass graves at Treblinka (watch: video); the removal of the photographs; the lie of the First World War; the exhaustive documentation of the holohoax; the extortion racket arising from such; the outright lies; the Red Cross totals; the sloppy record keeping and limited access; and on and on.

In fact, just read this:
How One American Evolved into a "Holocaust Denier"

Combined with all I have learned about Israeli involvement in 9/11 (from
Odigo to the five dancing Israelis to what Netanyahu said to the airport security firms to P-Tech and the Mossad-Israeli Connection To 9/11), and all the other missing links, there is a level of betrayal here that is nearly beyond belief.

I guess it IS a the HOLOHOAX™ after all!

So know we know what "mainstream historians" -- and some not so not so mainstream -- are all about!


"Prof. Zelikow’s area of academic expertise is the creation and maintenance of, in his words, 'public myths’ or 'public presumptions’ which he defines as 'beliefs (1) thought to be true ( although not necessarily known with certainty) and (2) shared in common within the relevant political community.’ In his academic work and elsewhere he has taken a special interest in what he has called 'searing’ or 'molding’ events (that) take on transcendent’ importance and therefore retain their power even as the experiencing generation passes from the scene….He has noted that 'a history’s narrative power is typically linked to how readers relate to the actions of individuals in the history; if readers cannot make the connection to their own lives, then a history may fail to engage them at all." ("Thinking about Political History" Miller center Report, winter 1999, p 5-7)

Isn’t that the same as saying there is neither history nor truth; that what is really important is the manipulation of epochal events so they serve the interests of society’s managers? Thus, it follows that if the government can create their own "galvanizing events", then they can write history any way they choose."

Seems RIGHT where we are, doesn't it?

What a COINCIDENCE, huh?