Wednesday, June 18, 2008

We All Feel the Same Way

I'll second his sentiment, readers.

"Boston Legal: Stick It"

"I decided to put this up again because I have been feeling very much the same way as the Alan Shore character in this scene. In the last few weeks we have had no less than the former White House Press Spokesperson AND the Senate Intelligence committee confirm that we were lied into the wars that have justified the deliberate impoverishment of the people and the killing and crippling of so many of our young people. And like Alan Shore I am puzzled at the apparent unconcern of the majority of the American people.

Americans like to think of themselves as a great people. But people are not great by proclamation, but by deeds. We will not be great until we act great, and by that I mean that we act to stop the lies, and the wars based on the lies

The longer we sit mute and inactive, the more history will judge us no different than the "Good Germans" who stood quietly by the side while Hitler marched the world off into a global war
." -- Mike Rivero of What Really Happened

Also see: "What Really Happened Needs Your Help"