Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sucking the Hot Fart Mist

The day the richers cut back on their comfort level is the day I will listen.


"Cheap? Cool. This summer's hot trend: Cutting back on energy use" by Angel Jennings, Globe Correspondent | June 25, 2008

Kelly Beverly works from her Cambridge home as a marketer for a technology company, but with electricity costs on the rise this summer, she is hesitant to crank up her air conditioning.

Along with higher gasoline prices, Massachusetts residents are faced with ever-higher utility bills. Some of the same forces that are driving up prices at the pump are also affecting electricity costs. About 60 percent of New England power plants run on natural gas or oil, and increases in the costs of these fuels get passed through to electricity prices, according to ISO New England, the organization that runs the region's power grid. Crude oil prices have soared more than 40 percent and natural gas prices more than 70 percent since the beginning of the year. The result: sharply higher electric rates.

Get OFF the GRID!!!

With no rate relief on the horizon, some people are changing their behavior, such as by swapping their energy-draining air conditioners for more efficient ceiling fans.

Did you get a big whiff?

At the Home Depot in Watertown last Saturday, first-time homeowners Brad and Karianne Noble - like many other people - were in the market for an air conditioner. They bypassed the cheaper models in favor of units marked with the Energy Star logo - a signal that they use less energy. The Energy Star program is a joint effort of the federal Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy. Products approved under the program exceed the government's minimum requirements for efficiency.

Pushing the AGENDA!!!

The Nobles, who live in Arlington, said they didn't count on utility prices going up when they figured out how much they could afford for a house.

"When we budgeted for buying a home, gas was a certain price and electricity was a certain price," Karianne said. "And now there are all these additional costs we didn't plan for."


Who did (except for the globalist scum who brought you this collapse)?

Oh, that's right, BLOGGERS were hollering about it, but the MSM just dismisses us as a bunch of cranks.