Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Fourth and Most Powerful Branch of the U.S. Government

"the vast, multibillion-dollar advocacy industry that is sometimes called the fourth branch of the United States government."

As if we didn't know. No fingers pointed or names named (or if so, superficially) of course, which is why I don't generally read about the pond scum corruption in D.C.

Enough to know it is there.

They couldn't mean the LOBBY and their LOBBYISTS, could they?

"Lobbyists are boon as well as bane for McCain, Obama; Candidates' criticisms seen as grandstanding" by Brian C. Mooney, Globe Staff | June 1, 2008

.... The vast, multibillion-dollar advocacy industry that is sometimes called the fourth branch of the United States government....

Look at this!! They are not even lobbyists anymore!

They are "advocacy groups (suck, suck, suck)!!!!

Lobbyists play an important role, protected by the Constitution, in the debate over national policy, others note.

Really, Globe? I don't recall seeing an article for lobbyists when I read it!!!

Now, I know some will claim free speech, but how free is it when it COSTS $$$$?!

I'm feeling right here that the Globe just FLAT-OUT LIED!!!!

Trying to make lobbyists, oh, excuse me "advocates" look like the GOOD GUYS, aren't they?

Oh, puke!!!

Of course, it is all semantics anyway, isn't it?

I mean, it is not like Bush or the government are actually using the thing.

"You cannot have a reasonable policy-making process without having competition among a variety of ideas as expressed by organized interests," said James A. Thurber, professor of government and director of the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies at American University. "It's important to have that battle."

And just where do the American people fit in here, asshole?

The thrust of the candidates' rhetoric, said Thurber, a specialist in lobbying, "is a populist argument appealing to Americans' ignorance about how policy is made in Washington. . . .

You know, it never cuts well when you INSULT US out here, shit bag elite!!!!!!!!

Tallies by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics show McCain has received $655,576 in lobbyist money, and Obama has taken in $161,927 from lobbyists at the state or local level or family members of federal lobbyists.

Wow!!! That is quite a DISPARITY and let's you know who might be able to exercise some independence once in office, huh?

Monitoring groups have been highly critical of fund-raising by lobbyists for candidates. The research group Public Citizen has identified 70 McCain fund-raising, or bundlers, who are lobbyists, most of them currently active, compared with 14 Obama lobbyist bundlers, none of whom are actively lobbying.

That's quite a difference, isn't it, readers?

Still, McCain has received credit for his legislative record on lobbying issues...."

Yeah, because of SHIT MSM like this one selling us shit turnovers!!!!!!!

And, of course, as we have seen, it is the POLITICALLY WELL-CONNECTED that get the SPOILS!!!!!

Because THEY have the $ to LOBBY!!!!!
