Hell, they are PROFITING FROM IT!!!!!
"House members do well in slump; Investments give salaries a boost in slowing economy" by Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Associated Press | June 17, 2008
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Yes, but she IDENTIFIES with YOU, Americans, because she is a mom and a grandmother who is the first lady speaker (aren't you proud?) -- that just happens to approve of torture, the war-funding, and all the other shit her Zionist controllers demand!
Pelosi should be IMPEACHED ALSO!!!!
WASHINGTON - House leaders are doing well financially during this economic slump.
Their lucrative investments and, in many cases, well-compensated spouses supplement their House salaries.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California, one of the wealthiest members of Congress, and her husband, Paul Pelosi, a real estate magnate, spent between $1 million and $5 million to buy the home they had been living in on San Francisco's Broadway.
Go, Cindy, go!!!!
They also own a vineyard in St. Helena, Calif., worth between $5 million and $25 million and a town house in Norden, Calif., valued between $1 million and $5 million, according to annual financial disclosures released Monday. The Pelosis also took in rental income of as much as $5 million on five separate commercial properties in the San Francisco Bay area. As speaker, Pelosi's salary is $212,100, about $47,000 higher than virtually everyone else in the House.
Yeah, Pelosi can REALLY IDENTIFY with you, 'murka!
All while she is STEALING YOUR MONEY!!!
She is DERELICT in her DUTY, folks, and should be IMPEACHED HERSELF!!!!
Other senior lawmakers reported hundreds of thousands in retirement savings, stock and mutual fund investments, and no major liabilities.
Representative Steny H. Hoyer, Democrat of Maryland, the majority leader, has as much as $665,000 invested in individual retirement accounts.
Representative John A. Boehner, Republican of Ohio, has an array of mutual fund investments, including seven with a value of at least $100,000 each. He also has a profit-sharing retirement plan from Nucite Sales, his former company, worth between $1 million and $5 million.
In their leadership posts, Hoyer and Boehner both earned $183,500 last year.
House members and senators outside the top six leadership posts receive salaries of $165,200.
Representative James Clyburn of South Carolina, the number three Democrat, has retirement savings accounts worth up to $100,000 and investments valued between $150,000 and $350,000.
Representative Roy Blunt, Republican of Missouri, reports the fewest investments of any of the top leaders - just $50,000 to $100,000 in stock in Springfield-based Churchill Coffee Co..
But Blunt's wife Abigail, who works in government relations for
The annual disclosure forms, while not exact, give a glimpse of the financial activities of lawmakers beyond their basic salaries.
Other representatives' spouses contribute to their comfortable financial picture.
Representative Robert W. Goodlatte, Republican of Virginia, the ranking member of the Agriculture Committee, has investments worth between $117,000 and $605,000 and retirement savings worth between $96,000 and $265,000. His wife Maryellen owns 17 separate 401(k) accounts, with a combined value of as much as $1.8 million.
At least one lawmaker mired in a criminal inquiry is collecting money to defend himself in court.
Representative William J. Jefferson, Democrat of Louisiana, lists among his gifts contributions to his legal defense fund topping $20,000. Jefferson's disclosure form reflects his indictment for allegedly receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes in exchange for using his influence to broker business deals in Africa.
Among Jefferson's liabilities are a personal loan of between $15,000 and $50,000 from Noah Samara, CEO of WorldSpace Inc., a company that provides digital satellite radio services to Africa. Robert L. Johnson, the founder of Black Entertainment Television, has also loaned Jefferson between $100,000 and $250,000."Johnson here is one who has called for an Obama-Clinton ticket, readers!!!
Yup, and they will spend OUR MONEY on TRILLION-DOLLAR OCCUPATIONS, BILLION-DOLLAR BANK BAILOUTS and BILLIONS to support a shitty little shit stink state!
While SCHOOLS SHUTTER their doors, vets sleep on the street, the MIDWEST FLOODS, the SOUTH and WEST BURN, gas prices, foreclosures, etc, etc. and THEY PROFIT!!
Time to TAR and FEATHER the LOT of THEM!
See PERU for instructions!!!!
By the way, my state's own aren't much better!
Just proves that ALL POLITICIANS -- regardless of party -- SUCK!!!!
"Bay State's Congress members report thousands in rent income" by Andrew Miga, Associated Press | June 17, 2008
WASHINGTON - Six of the 10 House members from Massachusetts are landlords who made thousands of dollars last year on rental properties, according to financial disclosure reports released yesterday.
The 2007 filings by lawmakers offer a glimpse into their personal finances, including assets, gifts, income, and trips paid for by private groups. Lawmakers are not required to list exact figures on most disclosure report categories, only a broad dollar range.
Representatives Michael E. Capuano, Stephen F. Lynch, James P. McGovern, John W. Olver, John F. Tierney, and Niki Tsongas reported rental income in addition to their $165,200 congressional salaries.
Heyyyyyy! That one is MINE!!!!!!!
NEVER AGAIN: Evasive Olver
"Olver told the lawyers that he wasn't going for impeachment because, "the United States would soon attack Iran, and that these hostilities would be followed by the imposition of a martial law regime here.""
Yeah, thanks for the COURAGE, asshole!
The state delegation's newest member, Tsongas, got between $15,001 and $50,000 rent for a house in Chatham on Cape Cod. The property was valued between $1 million and $5 million.
Tsongas and her late husband, Paul, a former US senator, bought the house in 1984. It has been rented during the summer most years, Tsongas spokesman John Noble said.
The congresswoman also reported capital gains between $15,001 and $50,000 on
From a Massachusett's hypocri, er, I mean, "liberal?"
Capuano reported rents on two properties in Somerville, Mass., and one in Tuftonboro, N.H., totaling between $15,003 and $45,000. He bought the second Somerville property, valued between $250,001 and $500,000, in May 2007.
Capuano got $9,000 in fees as executor for an uncle's estate and $5,000 as a trustee for an aunt's credit shelter trust.
Two South Boston properties generated between $10,002 and $30,000 in rental income for Lynch, a South Boston native, while a basement rental unit in McGovern's home in the capital generated between $5,001 and $15,000 rental income. The home was valued between $1 million and $5 million.
Olver got between $5,001 and $15,000 in rent for a Boston property, while Tierney's interest in a Salem, Mass., property produced between $5,001 and $15,000 in rental income.
Capuano, Lynch, Olver and McGovern held the rental properties jointly with their spouses, according to the reports.
Other Bay State congressmen reported income from teaching college and from a state pension.
Representative Richard E. Neal was paid $21,000 to teach a government and politics course at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, while Representative William D. Delahunt, a former district attorney who now represents Cape Cod and the South Shore, got $57,444 from a state pension.
Representative Edward J. Markey's federal credit union account was valued between $15,001 and $50,000.
Representative Barney Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, took eight trips for which his travel expenses were paid by outside groups."Oh, that's just great!!!
Yup, the great economic reformer here, the great "liberal" Barney Frank is ON THE TAKE, too!!!
Aaaaah, here America!!!
(blog author sliding plate of shit on floor at public)