Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Boston Globe Comes Out: Presidential Politics

There is ONLY ONE ISSUE when it comes to the U.S. presidential campaign -- at least, according to the Zionist-controlled, agenda-pushing AmeriKan MSM!

"Clinton ready to endorse Obama; Will call for unity at Saturday event; Questions swirl about her future" by Scott Helman, Globe Staff | June 5, 2008

Senator Hillary Clinton plans to formally endorse Barack Obama on Saturday at a Washington event with her supporters, her campaign said last night, and will call on Democrats to unite behind their presumptive presidential nominee.

But her initial reluctance to back Obama and the continuing mystery over how exactly she will end her historic campaign had party faithful asking yesterday: What is she waiting for, and what does she want?

In the past 36 hours, Clinton has thanked her campaign staff for their work and discussed potential exit strategies with top advisers and supporters, who say she is resigned to not being the nominee. She has praised Obama for running a strong race. And she has vouched for his support for Israel before a leading pro-Israel lobbying group.

On the front page!

But the New York senator has yet to publicly acknowledge that Obama beat her for the nomination, leaving some of his supporters - and even some of hers - perplexed and disappointed.

Clinton could have been "far more generous" to Obama by conceding victory in her speech Tuesday night, US Representative Charles Rangel of New York, one of Clinton's strongest backers, said on MSNBC....

Yeah, she could have, but that is so UN-CLINTON-LIKE!!!!

Longtime Clinton adviser Lanny Davis announced plans for a website and petition drive to press Obama to pick Clinton.

Lanny's a ZIONIST! I saw him rip into Katrina Vanden Hueval on C-Span one day.

Of course, Katrina just took it -- like so many false-friends on the left!

Bob Johnson, the founder of Black Entertainment Television, wrote a letter to the Congressional Black Caucus asking the group to urge Obama to do the same. Clinton, Johnson said, knew of his efforts.

"I have been in touch with her all the way in my thinking about how we can move this country in a unified way, and she's prepared to be a part of that unity," he told CNN yesterday.

"We have the best chance of winning with Senator Obama at the top of the ticket, Senator Clinton as his vice president," Johnson added.

And Obama stands a good chance of meeting with an "accident," too!!!

But some Obama supporters are adamantly opposed to the idea.

"We don't want her as vice president," Judith Shilling, a 68-year-old retiree from the University of Minnesota, offered without prompting as she waited Tuesday to get into Obama's victory rally in St. Paul.


President Jimmy Carter, who endorsed Obama on Tuesday, told The Guardian, a British newspaper, that selecting Clinton would be "the worst mistake that could be made," pointing to polls that indicate many voters hold unfavorable opinions of her.

Some analysts say the public appeals by Clinton's associates could box Obama in and intensify anger among her millions of supporters if he chooses someone else.

"The more they talk about it, the more reporting there is that she's actively interested in joining the ticket, the more it's a problem if and when he rejects her," said Stuart Rothenberg, who publishes the nonpartisan Rothenberg Political Report. "That would look like a real snub."

But, but, but, but....

US Representative James McGovern of Worcester, a member of Clinton's inner circle: "She's absolutely committed to making sure the Democrats win in November. She will do nothing that undermines that."

Did he say that with a straight face after the campaign she has run?

So her AGREEING with McCain so much is NO PROBLEM, 'eh, "liberal" Jim?

Must be another politician bought off by Israel!

.... Rothenberg noted, however, that there have been instances in which political calculation, more than anything else, led to fierce primary rivals ending up side-by-side on a ticket. In 1960, Kennedy picked Lyndon B. Johnson, then a powerful leader in the Senate; in 1980, Ronald Reagan selected George H.W. Bush after Bush famously dismissed what he called Reagan's "voodoo economics."

I expect her to be on the ticket, readers.

And after the next article below, it looks like I won't be voting Obama in the fall.

I wanted to BELIEVE, but it turns out that "Change we can believe in" is nothing more than MORE BULLSHIT POLITICAL FOOLEYS!!!!!

Obama told reporters in Washington yesterday that he and Clinton had a brief discussion during their visit to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference....

Yeah, the Zionist-controlled MSM
televised it live!!! It was a WATERSHED!!!

The AmeriKan MSM is not even bothering to offer a pretense of fairness or objectivity; they are basically FLAT-OUT ADMITTING they are propaganda organs for Zionists!

"It's only been a day," said Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick. "Give her a chance."



And WHAT a FAILURE this guy has turned out to be in Massachusetts!!

He has DONE NOTHING except try to get a couple of
casinos here and toss money at rich Hollywood folk (mostly Jews!).

Both Clinton and Obama made a point of speaking kindly about each other in speeches yesterday to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

Back to who is important!

Obama called Clinton an "extraordinary candidate, an extraordinary public servant," and "a true friend of Israel."



Clinton at times sounded very much as though she was still in the heat of a primary campaign, highlighting her staunch support for Israel's security. But she also voiced a strong defense of Obama.

"I know Senator Obama understands what is at stake here," she said. "It has been an honor to contest these primaries with him. It is an honor to call him a friend. Let me be clear. Senator Obama will be a good friend to Israel."

If he's your friend, why did you rip him so bad when he took the high road?

And look who Obama's friends are.

Bye-bye, Barack!

"Israel backers hear Obama's vow of fidelity; Candidate sets out key issues" by Farah Stockman, Globe Staff | June 5, 2008

WASHINGTON - In his first speech as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Barack Obama pledged unwavering support for Israel, vowed to use military force - if necessary - to keep Iran in check, and endorsed the idea that any peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians must preserve Israel as a Jewish state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Suck, suck, suck, suck!!!!

As president, "I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon," Obama told a standing-room-only crowd at a meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a powerful grass-roots lobbying group. "Let there be no doubt: I will always keep the threat of military action on the table to defend our security and our ally Israel."

Yup, even if they AREN'T BUILDING ONE and DON'T WANT ONE!!!!

But Obama insisted that US military force is a last resort, only after every diplomatic avenue has been exhausted. And he defended his support for direct talks between the United States and Iran at the time and place of his choosing.

"We have no time to waste," Obama said. "We cannot unconditionally rule out an approach that could prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon."

Obama's speech was crucial for a candidate who has struggled to persuade key blocs of skeptical Jewish voters to back him.

Why should 2% (or less) of the population be the ONE GROUP whose views are CATERED to, readers?!

WTF?! America has TONS of problems thanks to Zionist control of our government, media and culture. Why should THEY be the ones deciding who OUR PRESIDENT is going to be?

And fuck the Jew press, too!!!!

Some of them disagree with his willingness to talk directly with Iran, while others are suspicious of Obama's past association with the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., the retired pastor at Obama's former church in Chicago. Wright has praised Louis Farrakhan, a leader of the Black Nation of Islam who has made remarks considered anti-Semitic - remarks Obama has condemned.

Yup, gotta bring them up -- a ZIONIST DUTY, isn't it?

Never mind that I never heard about Clinton's pastor, etc.

Yesterday, Obama addressed another challenge in his effort to court Jewish voters: bogus e-mails alleging that he is a Muslim who harbors ill will toward Israel. "Let me know if you see this guy named Barack Obama," he deadpanned, "because he sounds pretty scary."

Obama scolded presumptive Republican nominee John McCain, saying he made "willful mischaracterizations" of Obama's position when addressing the same audience on Monday. In that speech, McCain said that withdrawing troops from Iraq - Obama's signature issue - will embolden Iran, and said Obama's willingness to meet with Iranian leaders would produce only "an earful of anti-Semitic rants."

Obama hit back yesterday, saying McCain failed to support a bill that encourages divestment in companies that do business with Iran. Obama also said the war in Iraq that McCain supports has made Iran only more powerful and dangerous.

Don't fall over yourselves reaching for that Zionist cock!!!!!

McCain "criticizes my willingness to use strong diplomacy, but offers only an alternative reality, one where the war in Iraq has somehow put Iran on its heels," he said. "The truth is the opposite."

Like McCain, Obama said his presidency would grant economic incentives to Iran if the regime changes its belligerent behavior, and both have endorsed tougher sanctions if Iran does not.

He just lost them!

But Obama parted ways with current US policy by saying he would strongly back Israel's decision to negotiate with Syria.

Right! Like Israel isn't calling the shots on that one!!

Hell, they are MEETING with TERRORISTS behind our backs!!!!

Wagging the dog, MSM!!!!

If elected, Obama said, he will help broker a peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinians right away. The crowd was largely silent when he called on Israel to help foster peace by refraining from building settlements on what is widely considered Palestinian land, and by allowing the Palestinians more freedom of movement.

Yeah, CAN'T FACE YOUR WAR-CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR, can you, you fucking stink Jews!!!!!!!??????

"The Palestinians need a state that is contiguous and cohesive, and that allows them to prosper," he said, to tepid applause. "But any agreement with the Palestinian people must preserve Israel's identity as a Jewish state, with secure, recognized, and defensible borders."

The first part sounded good, but the second part confirms it was ALL BULLSHIT!!!!

By the way, WHERE ARE THOSE BORDERS, anyway?

The audience leapt to its feet for a standing ovation when Obama added, "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided."

That's when all the Zionist pricks let their loads fly right down his throat!!!!

Obama pledged to continue the Bush administration's plan to give Israel $30 billion in assistance over the next 10 years.

Then FORGET HIM!!!!!!!


$30 BILLION for that shit stink hole while AMERICANS SUFFER!!!!!

He also suggested that the United States should treat Israel as though it were a NATO ally when it comes to arms sales.

Seriously, the qualifications for American prsident seem to be WHO CAN SUCK ZIONIST COCK the HARDEST?!

"It was the speech he had to make," said one Jewish political advocate, who asked not to be identified because she works for a nonpartisan organization.

At the same time, Gaith Al-Omari, a former aide to Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, said some Jewish voters may need more convincing.


"There will continue to be voices that attack him, but he has made his case," Omari said.

Ariel Cohen, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank based in Washington, said he didn't "believe a word" of Obama's pro-Israel pledges.

Why am I totally unsurprised at that? FUCK YOU, JEW!!!!!!!!!!

You see what Zionist assholes are engendering in people, Jews?!

You gonna let these assholes destroy your religion?

But Obama appeared to connect with many in the audience.

Oh, how nice!!! How about connecting with us?

What began as polite applause grew throughout the speech into enthusiastic ovations and crescendoed with Obama's tribute to Jewish Americans who died alongside blacks fighting for civil rights in America.

Next thing you know, he'll be crediting them with discovering the flush toilet.

"I would not be standing here today if it weren't for the commitment that was made, not only in the African American community, but also in the Jewish American community," he said.

Well, I AGREE with that!

You wouldn't be the Democratic nominee if you didn't have the Zionist controllers and media behind you.

Now we know why: Obama's "change" is a bunch of BULLSHIT POLITICAL FOOLEYS for Amurkn consumption!

I assume he means this kind of support, right?

So how does it feel sucking cock while Zionists shit on you, 'bamer?

Citing the Jewish religious concept of "tikkun olam - the obligation to repair this world," Obama said: "Together, we can rededicate ourselves to end prejudice and combat hatred in all its forms."

He said that about ZIONISTS?

I'm gonna PUKE!!!!!

It was hallmark Obama. The audience roared."

I won't be voting for him now. Nope.


Whom I really feel sorry for are the DISILLUSIONED YOUTH who actually thinks politics matters anymore.

Time for a REAL REVOLUTION!!!!

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King [George] is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States."